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KJ's pov 

On Monday I woke up at the crack of dawn and got my papers banded, my hockey stick ready, and my shoes on because it was gonna be a long day. During delivering I met up with Tiff, whom I hadn't seen in about a week because we never crossed paths. "How's it going?" I asked pedaling next to her.

"Pretty good, pretty good. We had our first science Olympiad competition on Friday."

"Cool, did you win?"

"My tech and engineering squad was best, but we on got third place overall."

"Aww, I bet you can get it next time."

"Thanks. You?"

"Normal amount of craziness, parents are planning for turkey day. They say we'll be having a big party, I could probably convince them to let the paper girls over."

"That'd be sick. A party at the brandman house."

"It's not that exciting, it's mostly adults who I don't know and boring conversation, and Rick."

"Oh boy, say no more, we're coming to save you from Rick."


"My turn is coming up so I better motor." 

"See ya Tiff." I said waving.

I got not ten houses down before Mac turned onto my street to chat. "Hey Brandman," she said "Want to head to the music store after school today?"

"Sure, but I have field hockey so it'll be late."

"No prob, excited for the last game?"

"Oh boy, can't wait to absolutely crush St. Pete's!"

"Ain't that Tiff's old school?"

"I think it is Yea, I'll have to tell her." I said. Tiff always wanted to know what was going on at her old school where she went from kindergarten to fifth grade. She refused to let go of that part of her life and talked about it often. She wasn't too annoying about it, but she refused to tell anyone why exactly she switched schools. "Foot any better?" I piped up.

"Still a little bitch, but what's new?"

"Sorry Mac. It's kinda the same for me, arms been hurting since a girl slammed me last game."

"God, that's nothing like a foot KJ. I have to walk and pedal everywhere I go but you can just deal with having a little bruised arm."

"Whatever Mac, I gotta turn here. See ya after practice!"

"I'll be there Kaje, don't worry." She said playfully, and even thought I couldn't see her I am certain she was smirking.


Immediately after I entered through the doors of school, I heard more bustling than usual, and everyone was crowding around Eric's locker. I assumed he was beating up some poor soul and didn't want to get involved. The Pocket Watch Post writer was already running to the scene. Amelia Schwartz was cheering loudly along with the rest of the girls. Rick looked down at the sight and scoffed. His friends were all freaking out and making a big scene. The post was gonna have one heck of a headline after that day. After I got my books out of my locker I saw that I had some extra time and decided against my better judgment to walk over. Being  stupidly tall I looked above everyone and saw Eric with a bleeding head, cursing to the stars, and a stone on the ground. He was furtively screaming about how 'if he ever find out who did this they were deader than a turkey on thanksgiving' it was all a spectacle. All the while as he yelled I noticed a note on the ground, I didn't see anyone noticing it except for Amelia, who kicked it in my direction. I leaned over and picked it up. I checked my watch and promptly left for class.


Mac's pov

 After school I hung around for a long while and when it was maybe fifteen minutes before KJ's practice was over I biked to Buttonwood where I was spot on time. KJ hoped on her bike with her bag and we sped off.

At the store we dumped out bikes outside and KJ turned to me, "Don't make a fool of yourself while we're in." 

"Why would I do that?" I replied smirking.

"Because you're an agent of chaos"


"Come on dummy." She said pulling me by the wrist to walk inside. 

The bell above the frame ding and the girl behind the register's head snapped in our direction, "Hey KJ!" She said gleefully, but she then gave a puzzled look when she noticed me walking in with her.

"Hey Veronica, good seeing you." KJ greeted, "This is Mac, we deliver papers together."

"Cool," she said looking relieved, "what brings ya in?" 

"Smiths." She replied, plain as the name.

"Oh we just got the Strangeways vinyl AND the 'How Soon is Now?' seven."

"Damn!" KJ said rushing to the alphabetical bands section, no doubt to look in the S's.

"Damn straight." Veronica said. I walked to Kaje, "I know I've already made this joke, but there's nothing straight about this." She whispered to me.

"Yea, well, least I can come up with new jokes."

"Wow Mackenzie, only took you a year to come up with a comeback."

"Shut up it was literally like yesterday"

"Still took you like a day."

"Blah blah blah with the specifics what even is this album?"

"Last album of the greatest band of all time. We can listen to it later if you stay over." KJ suggested. 

"Sounds good, let me grab that first album on tape and we can motor."


By the time we left Buttonwood it was sunset, after the music store it was dark. On the way back to KJ's I made sure to keep an eye out for any idiots. I saw some kids from stony stream middle at the park but as soon as they saw me they halted their bikes. I continued down the road with Kaje and we eventually reached Maple. Upon her entering through the front door and I, waiting a few minutes after climbing the tree to be let in, was getting a bit impatient. But KJ eventually opened the window. 

"Please do the honors," I joked. Kaje eagerly put the record on the turntable and cracked the volume to just the perfect level where it was heard by us, but not her parents. Half an hour later, we both agreed it was great. Some songs were bombs, but most were great. "It's really a shame they broke up." I pondered. 

 "Yea," KJ said, "they were pretty damn great. You should bring your tape recorder over and record the good songs some time."

"That I will."

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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