Chapter 1

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I wake up at the quite alarm set at  5:30. Usually my mom wakes me up but I don't want to feel like shit today.

I get changed into red skinny jeans and a black Blink-182  sweater with my black vans and my accessories like my black ear plugs, some bracelets and some rings.  I leave my hair down and not bothering to brush it. I draw the winged eyeliner on my eyes and put red lipstick, as usual.

I went down stairs as fast as possible without making a ruckus.

I reach for the cabinet door and get some cereal, but I put it back, I'm not in the mood to eat.

I leave the house and head to school.


I arrive at school with earphones on and music played on max so I don't have to hear the name calling and the stupidity of humanity while i  walk down this hellhole.

While listening to my music and my head down low, my body suddenly jerks and falls to the ground, a sharp pain courses.

I hiss in pain and advert my eyes to see the most popular girls in school.

"Watch where your going retard" one of the girls yelled, and the other yelled "what a loser" and they all giggle while walking away.

I sit there on the floor in defeat like the loser i am while everyone points and laugh at me.

 I finally get the strength to pull myself up and limped my way to the bathroom with the tears streaming down my face and makeup smeared all over.

I hate my life.

What's the point in living when no one even gives a shit.

I go into the bathroom stall and slide down on the floor, i curl into a ball and just cry, pull out my razor that I keep in my bag and start to do the one thing that seems to be the only thing to ease the pain.

The blood started to trickle down to the floor and I put the razor back to were it belongs.

It was painful but you get used to it when it's all you do. I wash the blood from my arm and wash the makeup smeared all over.

I walk to my first class which is english and just sit there like an idiot, and all the people that piss me off are in this class. Everyone hates me there. Great, just great.


The day passes by slowly and when my last class finishes, I run out, but I got tripped over and fall to the ground with all my books. Again.

"Do everyone else a favor and kill yourself" one of them shout.

"Go kill yourself you worthless shit" they all laugh and I'm just siting on the floor crying. Again.

How can someone say that? Do they not have a heart? They don't know how I'm feeling. I'm so mad.

I run home and when I open the door my mom is standing. Even better.

"So, how was school?" she doesn't even want to know.

"It was the best day ever" I reply sarcastically and walk past her.

"A person like you can never have a good day i mean look at you, wow, you are just so pathetic. how did i give birth to that?" she laughs.

"Please stop, I'm not in the mood for your name calling" I mumble as i nearly touch my door nob when my mom yanks it away.

"Don't talk to me like that, you know how it feels like to get beat up by me, do you want to feel it again?" she threatens.

Before she even touches me I enter my room and lock it shut.

"You'll see what will happen to you later, you will come out here, you can't stay in here forever" she yells from the other side of the door.

By now I'm already crying, how can she call me that, why is everyone like this. 

Why me? Why did i have to get this life? what have i done to deserve this pain?

I can't go through this anymore.

I need to call Riley.

(edited: 05/11/2016)

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