Chapter 8

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Mia's POV

We went back to my bedroom and played a game of 20 question.

"What's your favourite colour?" Andy asks.

"Umm, I think it's a bit obvious" Andy looks like he has no clue what I'm talking about, I punch his arm softly "black, how did you not know that?"

"I actually knew, I just wanted to see how you'll reaction, and ow that hurt" he laughs and rubs his arm

"Don't underestimate a small girl. Okay, what's your favorite color, even though I know what it is" i admit.

"Okay, if you know what it is, don't ask me" he moves close to my face that I swear I wanted to grab his face and kiss it all over.

"Okay, moving on" I tried to change the subject as quick as possible because it started to get a bit awkward.

"Okay, what's your favourite book?" He asks.

"Umm, well that's easy, it's Paper Towns by John Green, I love it so much, It just describes how you need the time on you own and how when your gone, people will miss you and try to find and never give up on you. It gives me hope anyway what was your favourite book?"

"I don't know I didn't read a lot, all stories I have read is about love and forever is real but honestly, I just hate this idea, love lasting forever is fake in this world but i do read comic books, Bat-Man forever" he looks up at me and smiles proudly.

"Wow, that was deep and i know about your obsession with Bat-Man" I have never heard Andy ever say anything about love and it's actually quite true.

"I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable but, it's the truth, you may not see it but it's there and honestly, love may exist but it only exists for people who actually believe in it."

"No, I agree, that's why I sometimes read novels about love so much, its just about how relationships never works but somehow we end up together, sometimes it's true and sometimes it's not, but that's how it is with all love relationships" i blurt out.

We both stare at each other and seconds later Andy's soft angelic lips are on mine.

Oh my god, Andy Biersack is kissing me, and it's my first kiss, I'm melting inside, i know this is wrong but i cannot resist i mean my first kiss is with my idol and the person i looked up to my whole life.

It went on for a lot but then he pulled away.

"I'm sorry, this must have freaked you out, im sorry, oh god please forgive me" he starts praying.

"Wow, Andy calm down, it was great, thank you I needed that" I look him in the eye.

"Really, you liked it?" he smiles softly.

"Yes, it made me happy" i admit.

His face lights up the moment I say those words.

"Your happy, yes!" He starts shouting and doing a weird dance around the room.

He's crazy.

"Be my girlfriend?" he asks.


"of course i will" i pull him to a deep kiss and you can guess what happened after that.

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