Chapter 22 (last chapter)

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Mia's POV

I can't believe I have a brother, I brother I didn't know I had.

We were talking so much, getting to know each other, and surprisingly, we have a lot in common, I'm starting to believe him more and more.

"So how's mom and dad?"Caleb asks.

"She's in jail, for abusing me and for drugs and dad shot himself" I shrug my shoulders.

"Oh, I'm sorry, let's change the subject" Caleb says.

We were taking about how we died when Andy barges in and grabs Caleb's collars and pushes him up on the wall.

"Who the fuck are you?" Andy screams at his face.

"Andy leave him alone, what the fuck" I yell.

"He's not what you think he is Mia, trust me he's lying" he clenches his jaw and looks back at Caleb."Who the fuck are you?" He repeats.

"I'm Caleb, your best friend and girlfriends brother" Caleb says with his voice shaky.

"No your not, the Caleb I knew never kept secrets so big like saying that you had a sister, tell me, who are you?" Andy yells.

"Mia, can you tell your boyfriend to calm the fuck down" he chokes.

"No, I'm not going to fucking calm down, your not Caleb, just fucking admit it" Andy pushes him on the wall again.

Caleb laughs.

"What the fuck, your psychotic, why the fuck are you laughing?" Andy clenches his jaw.

"Your not as dumb as you used to be Biersack" Caleb shakes his head and rolls his eyes.

I decide to take a look at Riley and I can tell she's frightened, her eyes move up and down Caleb's body like she's trying to remember him.

Caleb's eyes move to Riley's and be smirks "nice to see you again" he winks at her.

Riley swallows hard "Andy, you need to stop, let him go" Riley says with her voice shaking.

Andy's head snaps at Riley "what? Your on his side now? What the fuck?" Andy's face turns red.

Riley comes up to him and whispers something in his ear.

Andy puts down Caleb but grabs his arm and pulls up the sleeves and right when he saw a scar, Andy and Riley step away.

Andy keeps looking at his face.

I look at Caleb's arm "what is that?" I ask.

"Why don't you ask your boyfriend?" His smirk goes wider.

"Andy" I look at him.

"That's Gabriel, the king of hell" Andy shutters.

I look back at Caleb and his entire facial features change as a new person stands before me "Surprise, surprise, I have been trying to find the three of you for so long and i did, and the best thing is, little Mia here is an angel, which is easier for me to take all of you" Gabriel comes closer to me when Andy pushes him back, Gabriel uses his powers and throws him across the room.

"Andy" I yell

"Gabriel, please stop, you don't have to do this" Riley begs.

"No" Gabriel snaps his head towards Riley "I won't stop, its all your fault, you cheated on me, and I killed the guy so you made me evil and now I rule hell cause of you, don't even talk" he freezes Riley.

He walks up to me and I'm frozen in fear, I don't know what to do.

"It's Andy's precious girl, isn't that amazing" he laughs and he grabs my arm.

I yell in pain and seconds later he's flying half way across the room, I look over and see Andy standing there with blood poring down his head the first thing I do is jump on him for a tight hug.

"I'm so glad your okay" I cry on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you are" he hugs me tighter. "now I have to deal with this body before it wakes up" he pulls away and walks over to the body.

"Andy, what about Riley, she's frozen" I remind.

"Right" he walks up to her and un-freezes her then uses his healing powers to stitch up his head.

Seconds later, Riley falls to the ground and I go to catch her, tears were spilling from her eyes.

This day was just filled with surprises


Me, Andy and Riley sit down in my house silently, a lot of things happened today that will haunt me for the rest of my angel life. but the thing that is on my mind is that, do I have a brother or not.

The silence is making me uncomfortable, so I decided to break the silence "so, I know this isn't the right time but, do I have a brother?" I ask.

Riley and Andy look at each "no, Gabriel was using it as a cover up to get closer to you, you can never believe a devil, there known as liars and manipulators " Andy says.

I look over at Riley and she looks dramatised "are you okay Riley?" I ask.

"Yes, yes, it's just hard seeing someone you knew, turn into that you know" he blinks rapidly.

"Hey, it's fine, we just have to get over it, we'll get over it" I encourage them.

"Yea, your right, now, let's go into the world and save some lives" Andy gets up and smiles.

Me and Riley smile at each other and get up.

Who knows that life can change in just a blink of an eye, I does get better.

I smile at Andy and Riley as we roam the earth.

Now that's my saviour.


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