Chapter 6

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"Yo, Naeun!" She heard Joon, SKZ dancer and all-around hottie of tour, yell out to her. She turned quickly to look back at him as he jogged up to her through the underground tunnels of the stadium they were at in Atlanta for the show that night. It was the 4th of July and everyone seemed to be on this hyper craze because of all the festivities of the holiday. But there she was, still trying to get work done, still trying to do her job no matter what. Stray Kids was currently doing their nightly meet and greet and Naeun was in a hurry to bring them their last box of tour posters.

"Hey, Joonie," she said, still walking the same fast pace she was before as he fought to catch up.

"Hey, are you coming out with us tonight?" He asked, with big eyes and a wide smile.

"Um..." She stammered, not sure if she was allowed to 'go out' with any of the guys.

She hated feeling like she couldn't do anything, but she didn't want to jeopardize her job for anything. And with the way Lee know was trying to sabotage her, she was certain that 'going out' with the guys might be a terrible idea.

"Come on. We're going to have a blast. There's like this festival thing going on and... it'll be loads of fun, okay. I mean, come on. You've gotta see fireworks." He said, grabbing the box out of her arms as he talked.

"Joon, I've got this," she said, giving him a little resistance with the box.

"Naeun. I got it," he told her. She nodded and slowed her walk just slightly as he completely took the box from her.

"I mean, who's all going out?" She asked, finally deciding to approach the subject.

"All of us. Like, all the guys dancers, some of the crew guys. Come on," Joon said as they reached the large room where the meet and greet was going on.

They heard some girls scream at the sight of Joon walking into the room and he looked up, giving them a smile.

"Hi," he said awkwardly, as Naeun went to grab for the box again.

"Where do you want it?" Joon asked, pulling it away from her just before she got a good grip.

"Uh, just... over there," she said, pointing to a table behind the guys.

Naeun looked up just in time to catch Lee know's eye as he cocked his eyebrow, giving her a devious smirk. She shook her head before nodding to the girl standing in front of him. She watched as he turned his head to the half crying, half smiling girl decked out in head-to-toe do it yourself .

"So?" Joon asked, stealing Naeun's attention again.

"Huh, what?" She asked, snapping out of her daze.

"Tonight," he pressed.

"Oh. Uh... I'll think about it," she told him.

"But, seriously," he said, still pushing for it.

"I said, I'll think about it," she laughed.

"Alright, alright," he smiled at her as she started unpacking the posters from the box.

"Let me know. I'll see you later, Naeun," Joon said as he started exiting the room.

"I will," she told him.

"BYE JOON!" A girl shrieked as he started out the door and a whole chorus of bye Joon's ensued afterward.

"Are you coming out with us tonight?" Lee know came up from behind Naeun at catering that night before the show.

"Je—sus—" She yelped, completely startled by him. Lee know laughed a little as she regained her composure.

"Don't do that," she said, punching him in the arm.

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