Chapter 19

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By the time the bonfire was dying down, most of Naeun's family had gone home. And after her parents went to bed, Naeun sat around the much smaller fire with the guys, chatting and having a good time. Lee know's lawn chair was slid right up next to hers as he sat as close to her as possible, every once in a while reaching out to touch her, like he was reminding her he was still there. She didn't mind it so much though. It was kind of nice to see a softer side of Lee know. It also could have to do with the fact that she gave in sometime after the fourth or fifth time Lee know offered to get her a drink and knocked back a few herself. She was feeling good – quite sated actually.

All of the guys were ridiculously drunk courtesy of her uncle's moonshine. But at least they were happy drunks. At one point, Innie began to chase one of the free-roaming chickens around the yard because he wanted to cuddle it. And when he was finally able to catch up with it, the chicken promptly shit on his shoe, which caused the entire group to erupt into mass-hysteria.

But the kicker of the night was when Changbin wondered out loud if they were to piss on the fire, would it make the fire combust. Naeun let out a loud laugh, knowing urine was mostly made out of water, not fucking lighter fluid and was pretty much the opposite of flammable.

It was nearing two am when Naeun decided to call it a night, bidding the boys adieu. Lee know whined and told her he didn't want her to go. She laughed and told him she wasn't sleeping in a god damn tent – not when she had the opportunity to sleep in her childhood bedroom. But it wasn't long after she settled into said bed when Lee know came sneaking into her room.

"Lee know, what are you doing in here?" Naeun hissed at him as he quietly closed her bedroom door.

"I wanted to see you," he told her as he eyed her lying in her bed half-naked.

"You said you were sleeping out in the tents with the guys," she said, sitting up as she watched him cross the room toward her.

"Plans change," he said with a shrug as he sat down on her bed.

"You can't be in here, Lee know. My parents are right down the hall," she whispered, feeling anxiety swell up inside of her as she clicked on her tiny bedside lamp.

"Nobody will hear me," Lee know told her quietly.

"Yeah, because you're leaving," Naeun said, pushing his arm to try to get him off her bed.

"Baby..." Lee know said, gripping onto her wrist gently.

"Lee know, why do you do this?" She sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Because..." he said evenly, but didn't elaborate. Naeun shook her head as she pulled her wrist out of his hand.

Lee know leaned in toward her and she stared at him, knowing what he was doing, but she didn't stop him. She didn't even really try to stop him.

"Lee know..." she breathed as his lips hovered over hers. Lee know stayed like that for a moment, waiting for her to say something, but she didn't.

A second later, his lips pressed gently to hers and she could taste the alcohol he'd been drinking.

"Have you ever had a boy in this bed, Naeun – your childhood bed?" Lee know asked, eyeing her seductively through the dimness.

"Coincidently, you are the first," she breathed against his lips as he pressed in for another kiss.

"Were you a late bloomer?" Lee know asked, smirking against her lips.

"No," she scoffed, shoving his shoulder playfully and he let out a laugh.

"Shhh," she hissed and he snickered.

"How many boyfriends have you had? Not including me," he said, bouncing his eyebrows at her.

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