Chapter 8

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If it bothered Naeun at all before that Lee Know hung out with Alexis and Danielle, it was brought to a whole new level of annoyance over the next week. And she knew he was doing it on purpose just to prove something to her, just like he did before, but he was going above and beyond his usual torment by hanging out with them non-stop.

Yeah, sure Lee Know was technically a teenager, but his behavior with these girls was almost child-like and so immature. It made her hate him just a little bit more than she already did. They ran around being obnoxious like every day was April Fool's day. They annoyed just about everyone and frankly, if Naeun could have she would have screamed at them to fuck off on more than one occasion. But that's exactly what Lee Know wanted. He wanted to send her over the edge. He wanted to get her to crack and she wasn't going to. She wasn't going to be a pawn in one of his games anymore. He could have the pink haired bitch and the slutty dancer. She didn't care.

Naeun heard a knock on her hotel room door and wondered who it could possibly be at that time of night. She was already in her pajamas – a tank top and shorts – and didn't feel like doing much. Right before she pulled the door open, her heart sped up hoping it wasn't Lee Know, but she found Han and Hyunjin standing in front of her. Han had a bottle of tequila propped up in his hands and he didn't even need to say anything. She already knew what was on his mind.

"Oh, no," she said as she shook her head.

"Oh, yes," Han nodded his head.

"Bad things happen when I drink that stuff," she said, waving her hand in the air in protest.

"Even better," Hyunjin said, grabbing her arm to tug her out.

"No, Hyunjin. No," she said fighting him, pulling her arm from his grasp.

"You're coming to our hotel room, and we're going to get you drunk," Han demanded.

"In a totally non-bad way," Hyunjin added in and Naeun couldn't help but laugh.

"Good call," Han said to Hyunjin. And Hyunjin shrugged, giving him a smug look.

"Guys just... seriously, I can't control myself when I drink tequila... or jeg... or beer for that matter. As a matter of fact, I should probably stay away from alcohol altogether," she told them.

"What's the worst that could happen?" Han asked giving her a persuasive look.

"So what if you give a blow job or two? Preferably to me and this guy. Or maybe just two to me. Whatever. We won't tell," Han joked.

"Oh my god," she giggled, putting her hand over her rapidly blushing face.

"Come on. We won't let anything bad happen to you," Hyunjin smirked at her.

Naeun stared at the two of them for a few moments as her mind weighed the pros and cons. They both stood there looking at her with cheesy smiles on their faces and she knew they weren't going to take 'no' for an answer.

"Ugh. Fine," she conceded.

"Atta girl," Han smirked at her.

"Let me just... I've gotta... let me just meet you at your room in like five minutes," she told them.

"Five minutes. We're coming back if it's any longer," Han told her.

"I'll make sure not to answer the door," she smirked at him.

"NAEUN!" Hyunjin shouted.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding," she said.

"Five minutes," he warned.

"Five minutes," she told him as they headed down the hallway and she closed her hotel room door.

Fucking, fuck. She had a feeling it might not be the best idea to drink with them again.When Naeun arrived at the bands hotel room, she was greeted with cheers from just about everyone, except for the sulking little shit in the corner – Lee Know . He just stared at her as she made her way into the room, greeting everyone but him. Lee Know didn't have those stupid girls on his arm, so his presence didn't antagonize the fuck out of her, so she let herself relax a little, trying her best to ignore him.

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