Chapter 17

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Naeun could barely look anyone in the eye when she was forced back into the venue where her parents were waiting for her.

"What is going on, Naeun?" Her mother asked, looking rightfully concerned.

"Oh, um... Lee know just needed to talk to me, quickly. No big deal," Naeun said, trying to shrug it off.

"Is he your... new boyfriend?" Her mother asked quietly.

"What?" Naeun asked, feeling her mouth go dry.

"That's what some of the boys were saying. He's your lover?" She asked.

"Ugh, Mom. Please don't use that word," Naeun groaned, feeling absolutely mortified.

"Well, is he?" She pressed.

"I guess," Naeun shrugged.

"You guess? Well is he or isn't he?" Her mom asked.

"Yes, he is," Naeun said through clenched teeth, hating having to admit something like that.

"Well, I'd really love to meet him. I'm sure your father would too," her mother said, reaching out to swipe Naeun's hair behind her ear.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw Lee know walk into the room with a smug look on his face, causing Naeun to inwardly groan.

"Oh, there he is. Introduce us," her mother said as Lee know walked up beside Naeun.

Naeun didn't even have to speak a word, because apparently Lee know had it completely under control.

"You must be Naeun's sister. Lovely to meet you," Lee know said, grasping Naeun's mother's hand, leaving a kiss on the top of it.

"Oh, stop it now," her mother blushed and giggled at his flirting.

"This is my mother, Lee know," Naeun said, staring at the two of them being so coy with one another.

"Your mother? Not possible. You're absolutely stunning. You must have been a child when Naeun was born," Lee know said, charming the pants off her.

"Oh, stop it," she said, swatting at Lee know's chest.

"Lee know, this is my mother Jieun, and this is my father Namjoon ," Naeun said as her father walked up.

"Lee know is it?" Naeun's father asked, shaking his hand.

"It is. Nice to meet, you sir. You have a lovely daughter and an even lovelier wife," Lee know said, giving them his most prize-winning smile. Naeun rolled her eyes as her parents swooned over him.

"You must be the new guy that Naeun is seeing," her father pointed out.

"You're absolutely right. Isn't he, naeun?" Lee know said, wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her tightly to him.

"That's right," she said, smiling just to keep up the façade.

"I just wish there was more time in your schedule so we could invite ya'll to the farm for dinner or something. It's not every day that our daughter brings home an kpop idol," Naeun's mother told them.

"You live on a farm?" Lee know asked, sounding intrigued.

"Got two-hundred head of milking cattle," her father told him.

"You grew up there?" Lee know asked, looking over at Naeun.

"Yes," she said, nodding her head, hoping he wasn't going to say something stupid to offend her parents, who worked so hard to keep the farm going.

"That is absolutely amazing. I used to help on a farm back in Gimpo when I was younger," Lee know said, beaming a smile at her folks.

"You did?" Naeun asked, furrowing her brow at him.

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