Chapter 10

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Naeun put on a cropped floral sundress with a button up sweater over it, pulling her hair up into a tight bun before she took the time to really perfect her makeup. It had been a while since she wanted to look good for anything, let alone anyone. But it was a good night over all and an even better morning. Things were looking up, even if things with Lee Know didn't continue. Just his change in behavior was enough to brighten her mood.

She strapped on a pair of silver gladiator sandals and threw on a fluffy black scarf to cover up her new love bites from Lee Know before she made her way out of her hotel room to meet the group for breakfast.

"Naeun, hey," she heard and looked up quickly to see a very tired looking Felix.

"Hey, Lix," she smiled as she easily fell in step with him.

"Are you headed to breakfast?" He asked, yawning through his words.

"Yeah. You?" She asked.

"Yep." He nodded.

The two walked silently until they got to the elevator.

"Oh, hey. Are you okay?" Felix asked.

"What? Why wouldn't I be okay?" She asked him, looking at him so confused.

"I mean, after last night," he said. Her eyebrows furrowed further, searching her brain for what he might possibly be talking about.

"Hyunjin... he can be a real asshole sometimes," Felix said.

"OH! Oh, uh..." She stammered, feeling a blush heat up her cheeks.

"He says really inappropriate, unnecessary shit sometimes when he's drunk," Felix went on.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. I was just... I was in a funk last night. It's no big deal," she told him.

"Alright. I just didn't want there to be any weirdness," he said.

"Oh, no. I'm fine," she smiled at him as the elevator doors opened to the lobby.

"Did Lee Know come to talk to you last night?" He asked as they stepped out.

"Uh, yeah. But... I was—I was tired so it was just like in and out," she told him, cringing slightly from using the term 'in and out'.

"Glad you're not mad," Felix smiled at her as they turned into the hotel's restaurant, being greeted by the hostess immediately.

"We're uh, we're with the big group over there," Felix said, smiling politely at her.

"Right this way," she smiled back at them and led them to a large table that was filled with just about the whole group.

"Naeun!" Joon said looking wide-eyed, almost choking on the piece of bread he just shoved in his mouth.

"Uh. Hi, Joon," she said awkwardly, watching his eyes fall on Lee Know, before coming back up to hers.

"Hi," he said as his cheeks blushed immediately.

Naeun looked over at Lee Know to see what was going on and she saw him looking at her with the same wide-eyed expression. It wasn't until she walked around the table to sit next to Joon that she saw who was on Lee Know's right.

Lee Know's girlfriend, Chaewon.

Every nerve in Naeun's body frayed. She literally felt like she was being ripped apart slowly. She swallowed hard as her vision met Lee Know's again. His eyes looked apologetic, but she couldn't stand to even look at him for another second. Her breathing grew heavy as she stared down at the menu that was set in front of her.

He was still with Chaewon. He was still with fucking Chaewon. How could she forget something like that, something that important? She knew he had a girlfriend. How could she forget?

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