Gobubu's adventures

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Rimuru Tempest was a strong demon lord. He was the leader of the Jura Tempest Federation. As such, even walking around the town became a big issue. People would treat him with respect or become nervous.

He had the option to use his skills to alter people's perception. But he couldn't enjoy the interactions with his beloved citizens this way.

Moreover, even if he passed unnoticed, if someone were to be aware of his being there, they would show their best part or become nervous.

That's when using a disguise came handy. But why would he use a disguise when he can just use <Mimicry>?

'Hey, Ciel, how do I look?'

<<Ordinary. A small type of hobgoblin, with nothing special other than the golden eyes>>

'As expected, should I change my eye color?'

<<It shouldn't be that noticeable. And if anyone notices...>>

'It would be more interesting. I am in!'

The city was bustling as usual. The many stores were full, and the citizens were happy.

Even in winter, the roads were cleared, and the carriages passed without a problem. The train delivered the goods fast and efficiently.

The special district was full at this time of the year. Many races left their villages and came to Tempest during winter. Especially races who were sensitive to cold, they stayed in the city until spring came.

Recently, the government ran well by itself. The country was managed well by capable individuals, and they needed less of Rimuru's help. Now, he was needed only once a month or during important ceremonies. It allowed some free time to Rimuru to travel in the city. Since he made a city, why not enjoy it?

Whilst enjoying the city's development, Rimuru didn't forget his true objective. To enlist.

As the lord, he wanted to see how they were doing.

<<Reminder. You said that you wanted to train swordsmanship again, but since you are a demon lord, it would be too embarrassing to lose...>>

'AHHHH! Stop, stop! How many times must I tell you? You don't have to correct everything!'


'Haaah, I get it. I want a sparring partner, but I can't go there as Rimuru...'

The entry test was not that hard. At least to Rimuru.

"You have good endurance, good job Gobubu"

By the way, Rimuru picked Gobubu as his alias. The disguise would be meaningless if he revealed his real name, after all.

He spent the next few days training. It was useless, since as a slime his body constitution wouldn't get better, but the important part was getting in the mood.

Thankfully, he also managed to make some close companions. It was all fine until he caught someone's attention.

"Amazing!" (Hob 1)

"Good for you, Gobubu" (Hob 2)

"I am so jealous..." (Orc 1)

"...is it that good?" (Gobubu)

"What are you talking about?" (Hob 2)

"You were hand-picked. H.a.n.d.p.i.c.k.e.d" (Orc 1)

"That's not the important part, you moron! He was picked by that general Gobuta!" (Hob 1)

"Hahaha... Yey" (Gobubu)

'Why is Gobuta so important? Wouldn't it be better to be picked by someone like Benimaru?'

<<Gobuta has a good reputation and relationships among the soldiers. Also, Benimaru is perceived as someone unreachable>>

Gobuta was a good leader. He taught them good survival tips and techniques. Moreover, he was good at solving problems within the group, getting supplies and in general, uniting the group.

"Hey, you are good. Wanna spar with me?"

Like that, Rimuru (Gobubu) spared against Gobuta, getting the praise of many and a recommendation to learn from the swordmaster.

It was faster than expected. Rimuru had arrived less than a month ago, but he accessed the best teacher in the military.

'Is it really fine?'

<<It shows Gobuta's capacity at assessing one's talents>>

A little bit later, Rimuru Tempest was getting a report from the military and the Shadow Squad, about an outstanding newcomer. Rimuru could only laugh when Souei asked if he wanted to keep an eye on the suspicious individual.

Training with Hakuro was... deathly. The old kijin showed no mercy to the new recruit.

Gobubu could feel a shadow next to him but pretended not to notice.

Few days later, the shadow disappeared and Gobubu was called alone by Hakuro.

"Isn't it about time that you tell us, what are you planning?" Hakuro asked while trimming his beard.

"Master, what are you talking about? Did I mess something up?" Gobubu tried to feign ignorance for as long as he could.

"Playing dumb, aren't you? I don't forget a sword that I have seen once, less from my disciple." Hakuro's sharp gaze was enough to send shivers to Gobubu. But soon, the old kijin sighed and released his gaze. "But it seems you had worked hard alone, since it took me a little to recognize your sword"

"Hahaha, as expected... That's why Souei had retreated..." Gobubu confessed in a defeated tone.

"Fret not, I haven't told him about your identity" (Hakuro)

"Thanks" (Gobubu)

"Why are you doing this? You can ask me at any time" (Hakuro)

"Well, I need to train the sword, but I don't want to make it public" (Gobubu)

"You were never a fan of the sword; does it have something to do with the recent matches against Velzard-sama?" (Hakuro)

"O-Of course no...?" (Gobubu)

"Hohoho, but is a good thing" (Hakuro)

"A good thing?" (Gobubu)

"Since Rimuru-sama's body is quite though, I can go a little harsher starting tomorrow. Oh, excuse me, it was Gobubu-kun now" (Hakuro)

"...please have some mercy..." (Gobubu)

"Don't expect it from me" (Hakuro)

From then on, Gobubu got a little special treatment. Some soldiers stared from afar, as they wondered what the newbie did wrong to deserve it.

Later, he even got special lessons, the ones received by Gobuta.

Long days getting beaten with Gobuta followed.

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