A Heavy Loss

191 21 10

10:49 a.m.

His soft delicate hand held the bouquet of the yellow roses, placing them one after another upon the grave.

The blossoming white clouds lined the blue sky. There was a fresh and soft breeze in the air. It wrinkled the water of the sea, stretched the branches of the graveyard's tall trees, and ruffled the young man's black hair as it blew through it while he sat beneath their shadow, beside the grave with Park Haneul's name carved on its stone.

Even almost a month has passed, Park Jimin stil couldn't believe he had lost his father. He couldn't believe he was getting himset used to placing flowers on his grave, instead of hugging him good morning.

There were sadness in his gaze, but no amount of it could be compared to what he felt deep inside his chest.

After the loss, Park Jimin faced the hardest times of his life. He felt too many emotions at once.

But today specifically, Jimin felt terribly alone and isolated from the entire world. He couldn't imagine acting happy for his sister on her wedding tonight, because so deep inside, he wasn't. Not when he wasn't used to his father's absence yet, where he knew he won't see him celebrating with them and find those beautiful wrinkles around his eyes when he smiled.

The young man knew he won't be able hide his grief nor anger, probably not even behind a fake smile to act perfectly fine tonight, neither he found himself forced to.

He was mourning.

Park Jimin, as a twenty five year old man, never experienced losing someone, neither even something. It became more traumatic when the first one was someone so close, so special and the one he loved so much. Believing it was hard still. This loss was heavy on him.

It ached.

It stung.

He remained beside the grave for another seconds, silently praying, then picked up his purse and got up, gazing around the grave one last time with a light pout on his lips before turning around.

His eyes fell on a single familiar person, standing steps away from him; mr Junsang. Their gazes met when the old man took his sunglasses off and Jimin smiled tenderly then both approached to stand closer and greet eachother.


"Hello." Jimin replied, the gentle smile on his face still. "We always meet each other here,"


Jimin noticed how empty the graveyard was every morning and it was often only him and mr Junsang. That made him feel less lonely everytime. "Your wife's grave is a bit higher, right?" He asked.

"Right. But it isn't really far from your father's."

Jimin held the polite smile on his face still. He tried, though. "You always come here?"

"Often, yes."

And the other second the smile slowly left his face and his gaze dropped, "I still didn't believe that my dad has passed away.." and he confessed. His look of sorrow touched Junsang, because he could clearly understand the pain of losing a very close and dear person.

"After a while, you'll feel him still with you. The memory of the one we love will always remain in our head. But people get used to it, and so you will. It just needs time." Junsang assured. Jimin found it hard to believe still, though.

"Twenty eight days?"

The old man tore his gaze off Jimin's for a swift moment in a respectful manner when his smile broadened to assure again, "Still very early for you."

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