Chapter Two : Jung Jimin

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Kim Iseul really thought he got away with what he did.

Giving Mrs Park Dalrae the cheque was a secret kept from absolute everyone, expect his mother that helped him receive it, and Jimin that figured it out by accident. Yet, almost two weeks later, his father found out about it.

In no way his mother had told him, and why would Jimin? Either way, it was expected. In one way or another, truth will out and Iseul had prepared himself for it, because there was zero possibility losing that big number of money would've stayed a secret from someone like Kim Daehyun.

And well, that costed Iseul alot.

His father drove him to the wall and humiliated him for it, calling it a robbery, a betrayal. Daehyun accused him for moving in on him by stealing his money to give it to his biggest enemy, that so called witch, Park Dalrae that literally traded her daughter to that money. Kim Daehyun did not only fire Iseul from work, but looked him dead in the eyes with a face distorted with anger and threatened him to never show his face unless he's returning every won of the money, and he'd disinherit him, take his house and car that legally weren't his until he does. The young man couldn't care about living in the streets hearing that. But it was the fact his father made him feel less of a son that distressed him. His father's words gave off a sense of greed and nothing else. Yet, the hand was dealt. Iseul knew sooner or later this would've happened and no explanation would be enough for his father to forgive him, nor feel sorry for him.

Kim Daehyun was a worse version of Park Dalrae. At least that old woman cared for her children to never live a life of degradation. Iseul wouldn't believe it if Daehyun didn't really deprive him like it was so easy.

However, with Jimin becoming officially Junsang's husband on 1st of October, Park Dalrae feared none of those threats. It never crossed her mind that Daehyun would reveal the secret about the cheque to Junsang and his family as a warning for what to come to them. Yes he did, and he did it right after the wedding's ceremony.

While everyone were confused, Jimin longed to hide behind Junsang. Never did he imagine he'd be so embarrassed on his first moments as the new Jung, still wearing the white tuxedo that promised him happy memories. Well but, with his mother, was something like this even possible? She even shamelessly flirted with Junsung on Sujin's wedding. Yet, this was further than just an embarrassment, but more like a disgrace that broke his heart.

After the heavy disturbance in the middle of the party and managing to send Kim Daehyun out of the mansion, Park Dalrae lied telling that the old man was only mad because his son married her daughter, Sujin, against his will. To save face of course. But Jimin's angry gaze on her that moment, made her body shiver just with knowing she ruined his wedding day.

Jimin wanted to sue Daehyun. And not because he cared to do, but to expose the truth and punish his mother, proving with that to his husband's family he was already punished by being her son. But Junsang refused the idea after Jimin's mother managed convincing him doing so will only give a silly topic for the journalist and media to talk about later and make an unnecessary intrigue that effects their reputation. Luckily or unluckily that bullshit convinced Junsang.

But Park Jimin, no, Jung Jimin wasn't ready to let it slide. It was known for a fact, that he had his best ways to take revenge. All he needed to do is wait for the perfect day for it.

2 October 2008, 08:20 p.m.

A solid black loose collared shirt, classic and single breasted with long sleeves, tugged in black casual trousers. As simple as that outfit might seemed, it perfectly fit for Jimin's first evening as a newly married man. It took him some time to pick something from his new wardrobe Mademoiselle helped him fill though, but the black pieces were always more attractive in Jimin's eyes. And since he felt responsible to give good impressions only, whether in clothes or attitudes, specially after yesterday's mess, he believed the colour was the best option, since he also believed it represented both dignity and elegance.

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