Hatred Of A Mother

169 15 10

06:38 p.m.

A smile spread over his mouth.

Jimin couldn't help it.

Seeing his sister looking like an angel in a white dress wasn't something he saw before, or would ever see again.

Her makeup was simple, but she needed no more to look perfect. Park Sujin had a natural attractive beauty that any other woman out there were jealous of.
Diamond necklace set with a strapless dress, she looked perfectly beautiful that Jimin didn't take his eyes off, admiring her longer.

Only if she wasn't so anxious right there.

He stood, leaning his shoulder against the doorframe of her room with his arms folded, watching her walking back and forth with her hand on her belly and troubled expressions on her face as she kept huffing voicelessly. Jimin didn't blame her to be so nervous, only a little time left for the ceremony to begin after all.

"Calm down for a bit." His mother uttered.

"I'm so nervous, mom."

"Drink few sips of wine, you'll be fine."

Sujin eyed her mother, "Mom, I'm pregnant!"

"Hmph, unfortunately." Dalrae rolled her eyes and turned her attention towards her son who stood in the doorway, immediately checking his look out. "Couldn't you find anything better to wear? You're dressed like you're going to a funeral."

She complained but she might be right. Jimin yet, found nothing wrong with a black shirt and slim fit jeans. It was a simple causal outfit, true, but the man was comfortable. He found it unnecessary to wear a suit, be dressed rich in general like he was expected to do, like his mother that wore an expensive blue dress. But after all, she was mrs Park Dalrae. Dressed in style even on a normal day. However, Jimin didn't care. He wasn't dressed to satisfy anyone's eyes that will be on him to judge later. Neither did he care to give a rich look for the journalists to print on the news paper tomorrow For people of Seoul to see. Besides, he looked fine, he knew that. So he gave his mother a response with just a flat face that Dalrae perfectly knew what meant and she shifted her gaze back to Sujin in annoyance. "Whatever."

At that moment, the maid entered the room, announcing that the groom has arrived. The bride moved to go and meet him, but Dalrae stopped her, "Wait, I'll go see him first."

Sujin nodded, thinking that her mother just wanted her to first calm herself down so her husband won't see her anxious like she was. There she just stopped and Dalrae hurried out of the room.

With a smile touching the corners of his mouth, Jimin approached his sister, "You look so pretty." He finally said it, making his sister smile too and cup both of his cheeks gently, caressing them before hugging him close.

"I wish you get married soon."

The man couldn't help but roll his eyes at that. Oh well, she must be joking about that, because marriage and Jimin? Really? Not even the thought of it he could take.

"Only if you know how anxious i am. I feel like my heart will stop beating anytime. I'm worried."

"Don't be, mrs park Dalrae has a fear of disgrace, she won let anything wrong happen." Jimin replied with a wry smile.

"Please go check on her, don't let her stay alone with Iseul." Sujin requested anyway, since she couldn't help but feel worried, since she really didn't want to see her mother arguing with her husband again, because then she'd definitely faint or pass out. Jimin understood. He nodded his head to her and left the room.

As he walked downstairs, the sound of his mother's laugher coming from the dinning room caught his attention. It was suspicious because of earlier, which why he became curious to know what the two were discussing.

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