Unexpected News

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6 September 2008, 12:28 p.m.

The Parks' mansion.

"You made me so angry in the wedding. Everytime i called you, you were busy with mr Junsang."

"How is it possible that i didn't hear you?!"

"Obviously, you could see no one but mr Junsung." The woman teased again. Dalrae laughed.

Jimin just sat and listened without interrupting, taking another bite of the small piece of cake in his hand as he had his cup of tea in his left.

"I'm kidding. But you guys make a great couple, just to be honest."

Lady Seong, the closet friend of his mother, giving them a little visit to gossip about the guests in Sujin's wedding with eachother while drinking tea.

That woman was a snake, and to be further honest about it, Jimin knew she was just the same as his mother, and nothing better; wise but fake, a real bitch. He hated her too and he wasn't sorry. She was always here to either talk shit about people or about rich handsome men like Junsung, which why this time Jimin actually had alot of interest to join them and listen.

It was worth the fun.

Jimin watched his mother place her cup of tea down on the table and let out a breath of content, "These days you might hear some good news." telling her friend.

"What news?" Seong glanced at Jimin for clarification as he returned his gaze to his mother, fixing them on her, curious to know what she had to say. Allowing her, without speaking a word.

"Don't tell me you schemed to get that man, Dalrae, i know you so well."

Dalrae let out a short laugh and breathed out to reply in a confident tone, "I think he'll be in love with me." nodding to herself.

A slow smile of amusement worked its way across Jimin face and into his eyes. There she was again, dreaming of the chance to be the Jung's second wife and of course, second heir.

A scoff played in Jimin's mind, Just thinking how hilarious it'd be, her face once she figure out the truth. He could imagine the embarrassment after in front of her friend, which didn't fail to widen his smile as he accidentally let out a chuckle, drawing his mother's attention to glance at him and all her expressions fall after noticing him.

She curled her eyebrows in annoyance. "Something's wrong, Jimin?"

The sequence of his thoughts broke off, Jimin stopped smiling immediately, getting a grip of himself as he shook his head in denial, "I'm just listening."

Surprising for Dalrae, Jimin actually didn't utter anything to distress her and that was enough for her to ignore his existence again and turn her head back towards her friend, smiling again.

"Please Dalrae, don't lose that man,"

And her smile changed to be shy, gazing down at the floor as she heard her friend continue, "He's a rich gentleman. You won't find a better person. So you should be so careful!"

The tone disgusted him. Jimin glanced at the woman then back at his mother when she started laughing, probably out of joy with imagining herself insured with Junsung's endless wealth. It gave him the urge to laugh too and again, but he put a faint smile on his face instead, knowing all he had to do is wait for a day, and see with his own eyes, the devastation in Park Dalrae's face.

Believing he won't regret it.

Concurrently, Jung's manion.

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