The Proposal

137 15 11

08:13 p.m.

The silence has been quite unusual.

Mr Junsang, Deniz, Jungkook and Eunae were gathered in the table, having dinner. It's been minutes now since they started eating and no one spoke a single word.

They'd always talk about eachother's day at the dinner table, discuss any topic, or at least when they said nothing, the silence wasn't disturbing like it was now as the only sound heared was the forks and knifes touching their plates. No one said anything or dared to. And somehow it was because how off and down Eunae looked.

Jungkook sat across from her, and her tutor on the seat next to her. They both and her father too noticed how she had her head down to her plate the whole time, moving the fork between the meat without eating it. It bothered them, except for Jungkook. He was neutral about her situation since he believed Eunae liked to take any opportunity to act childish for attention.

Her father was going to get married. Not like it was the end of the world? She needed to grow up, she was almost eighteen anyway. Is what Jungkook thought.

Mr Junsung looked at her again. No matter how much he tried not trigger her with speaking, he felt bad for saying nothing either like he didn't care. Because he Did care. "Why aren't you eating?"

"I am.."

Jungkook scoffed. "We can't have dinner in peace? Alright Eunae, you can tell me ask them cook dietetic food for you."

She snapped her head up to look at him. "Don't he silly." Her eyes were red. Not out of anger, but she had a difficult time controlling her emotions with her father's presence after what Deniz told her this morning, and how he didn't mention anything about it yet to her.

Jungkook rested back against his seat and to be further annoying he argued playfully, "Have you became vegetarian huh?"

"I said don't be silly, you rather look stupid."

Deniz remained silent. Junsung looked at both of them. "If you guys finished arguing, we can talk about better things."

"He always makes fun of me dad, please tell him something."

Both of them were used to teasing eachother almost all the time. But this one night specifically made the girl feel seriously done with Jungkook all of the sudden. She was already vulnerable and hearing Jungkook's stupid jokes wasn't making her better but rather more sensitive.

She got up and threw her napkin on Jungkook's face. "Don't try to be funny. I don't want anyone to joke with me anymore!" she swiftly walked away towards the house, making Deniz move her seat back to get up and follow her but she was stopped the moment Junsang called her name and signed her with his hand politely to sit back.

The man felt a little bothered, placing his fingers over his lips, thinking. He didn't blame Jungkook because he knew the reason that had his daughter react like that as if it was a big deal. Junsung realized he needed to talk to her personally and thought maybe he did a mistake by letting ms Deniz tell her about his decision. But he just didn't have the courage. He knew how senstive and childish Eunae could be and he isn't able see her sad. However, he excused himself and got up.

Eunae was in her room, slight tears stinging her red eyes as she stood before the opened window of her room looking outside when her father knocked on the door and entered. "Can i come in?"

She nodded looking at him and turned her head towards the outside view at the cars passing by and the sea across, feeling the warm wind sweep over her.

Junsung approached and stood in front of her, "are you alright?"

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