Like Mother Like Son

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It took Park Dalrae less than an hour to understand the effects of her words and regret her actions.

Although rejecting Junsang's proposal was reasonable from different perspectives, she had the realization of the damage she caused to the benefits she found in the old man.

There was no shame in admitting, not to herself at least, that she needed Junsang's property in order to survive, even if she strongly believed his marriage with her son was nothing but a wrong decision with unpleasant outcomes. But for the sake of her reputation she had no other choice but accept it. The Jung had that power and wealth she was losing day by day. The kind of loss the Park would probably never regain.

It sure was devastating, because Jimin was so young and stubborn. He lived a carefree life and disinterested in serious relationships. Dalrae couldn't handle the fact his first would be with a man as old as his father -that was committed his whole life, and had a seventeen years old daughter, that would probably never accept him- There was a huge and an undeniable difference between the two of them that mrs Park Dalrae feared.

Jimin wouldn't admit it though, but his mother knew him best. He wouldn't be able carry the weight of responsibilities there, not for a life time at least. He was almost as childish as Eunae for God's sake! It was as if he was digging his own grave. And to realize despite that, he chose to play a dirty game against her to take revenge, Dalrae couldn't help but worry about his future, even if she didn't want to. That marriage wasn't something he wanted after all, not deep down.

How arrogant and insolent, perfectly like her.

Back to think about her debts, the woman sighed. Regret sat in her stomach, making her more uncomfortable. With the money she convinced her son in law give her, she was able to pay off only a very little amount of the debts, which left her eventually sorry for disrespecting mr Junsung.

How was she going to find a better man, or better say a wealthy man like him to save her from drowning in her debts? He was such a gentleman too the mission would be impossible. And to be further honest about it to herself, Dalrae only hoped Junsang propose to her because of his property, not because she needed a man or she felt lonely. So basically, him marrying her son instead was still an opportunity she found no reason to complain about.

Eventually, she was the one feeling embarrassed. So she picked up her phone and called Junsang, apologizing, even if she was still not convinced with the proposal and had alot of questions about it.

But that wasn't all she did..

Dalrae took a deep breath before speaking, "To be honest, i usually don't react like that so quick." she fidgeted with the ring in her finger, embarrassed. Putting herself in this situation now wasn't something she wished for. But it is what it is. Lifting her head slowly, she looked at Junsang again and added in a gentle tone, "I was just so shocked myself, you need to understand me. Who would've thought.."

Looking at her face, he noticed the regret. Mr Junsang sat crossed legs with his hand resting on his knee.

Although he couldn't lie saying he wasn't upset about embarrassing him in front of her daughter, son in law and specially Jimin still, he felt a little ease to know mrs Dalrae was aware of the mistake she did and considered it enough to apologize and come to his place personally and talk about it as mature people. He was ready for more when Cheonsa interrupted by entering the room to serve the two cups of coffee. Only when she left, Dalrae added, "I know i was rude, I apologize for my anger."

"I love your son, mrs Dalrae." He frankly replied, no shame no embarrassment in his eyes, causing the woman's gaze to avert from him again, then move down to her cup of coffee in disappointment. "I wish him to be with me, and since i know the feeling is mutual, i got the courage to come to you. I never thought you'd reject it, that's all."

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