Birthday Gift

80 9 12

16 October 2008, 07:09 p.m.


A little did Eunae regret inviting Jungkook's girlfriend to her birthday.

The reason was obvious and ignoring her was easy. That girl was a well known model in Seoul. Though she had small eyes, there was no mistaking the delicate facial features of hers, the porcelain skin and the long black and wavy hair she had. But Eunae just couldn't bring herself to like her at all, with simply standing next to Jungkook as his girlfriend.

Only the thought could fill her with jealousy, though she wasn't honest about it to herself at all, Jungkook was yet, a very special family member to her. She didn't want him to be someone else's special person.

Miss Seoah gifted her a sparky heart strings silver bracelet before the birthday party begin. It was delicate, and elegant, no lie. But with opening the box and seeing it, its beauty meant nothing to Eunae upon knowing it was a gift from Seoah's taste, not Jungkook himself, other than the fact the couples chose a single gift. It bothered her alot that Jungkook didn't really consider it himself. Still with that, Eunae looked at him and thanked him instead of her, boldly embarrassing her in front of her family and friend.

The child she was.

By the time the living room's decoration was over and the cake and food were ready on the dinning table, everyone gathered around Eunae, with Jungkook and Seoah on her left, Mademoiselle on her right, in front of her, her aunt, ms Jinkyong, mr Byeongho with his family next to one another and of course, her dear Taehyung; together sang the birthday song for her with smiley faces and eventually clapped their hands in cheers as she blew on the candles.

She raised her head, giggling to see the joy in everyone's faces for her with her gaze still returning to her father's empty seat. Although the smile always maintained on her lips being distracted with Jungkook teasing her nonstop and her family's laughers about it, it was so felt, the absence of her father's joy on such important day, no matter how good she tried avoid thinking about it. The upsetting part was that Mr Junsang never missed any of her birthdays. He was just always there, even if he had work to be done. It was that reason she couldn't stop remembering, that all was because of her father's new special person, Park Jimin.

Now that he managed to even deprive him from being on her most special day was triggering, since it seemed as if Jimin made his family mean less for her father anymore than spending time with him or simply being with him.

Honeymoon they said.


Loking at it differently, at least Jimin wasn't there tonight, and instead, Jungkook was. Because Jungkook not being on her birthday party would've made her upset too.

It was always fun with Jungkook, but seriously, never in her life imagined a day would come she'd either choose to be with Jungkook or her father. Not together in one place.

Thanks to Park Jimin.

Leaving those silly thoughts behind, Eunae moved to the gifts next. So excited to open them before eating. Everyone else agreed.
Mademoiselle's was a lovely purple shirt she saw the other day in a store and liked so much. Byeongho's family gift was a simple purple necklace she found so adorable. Her aunt's gift however, the beautiful short red dress she already wore now for the party. While Taehyung's, she said, the most special gift she received among the others, which was a small, beautiful table sculpture with wooden base.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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