For The Grudge Against Her

158 14 10

11:56 p.m.

As the midnight came as perfect black, the old man returned home, bringing with him a new feeling.

A feeling that was totally foreign, but welcomed.

Like a spring in the death of winter, Jung Junsang was completely in love.

The love he forgot until he met the Park's son, Jimin; when years and years has passed and he believed his heart died alongside his wife, and with it, forgetting the meaning of life and living itself.

The man entered his mansion and stopped before the stairs, staring up at the mirror on the wall that reflected the dim light coming from the upper floor.

For the first time in a long time, Junsang felt consumed by his loneliest in this place, his home; and his room with the thought of sleeping alone again, that his feet refused carrying him upstairs. He turned to the side and paced inside the guests' room instead when suddenly Jimin's voice began playing at the back of his head, over and over on repeat, the voice that was soft and warming, just as this summer night breeze that hit his face as he drew the curtains open.

But it wasn't the voice the old man felt captivated by. But the beauty of the man.

His black hair, light upon the night sea, and the way his free curls moved, as sweetly as a poet's ink. His olive green eyes like summer leaves, the smile that was like a blooming flower.

His lips.. they'd fit for a museum.

The light makeup he wore didn't deserve his face. The most beautiful, Jimin was a piece of art, prettier than a woman, which the fifty four year old man felt crazy for fitting the thought of having him in his head, since the age difference between them was pretty high, and it hardly made sense.

But for some reasons it felt right. Junsung believed he was falling in love with Jimin now, he was sure about it; even if it was unbelievable, for a man at his age to want a young beautiful man like Jimin, that surely so many young men would desire, it was still not wrong to do.

Park Jimin was the only person that made it possible for him to feel love again, and that alone was a courage to the Jung to take a step forward close as soon as possible.

As for Jimin, he stood in front of the mirror in his room later that night, absorbed by the thought of his mother's actions of desperation for Junsang, just to get his attention, and the fact she dared tell him she loved him.

Hmph. Of course Jimin did not believe what she said. It'd be so ridiculous call it love when she cheated on her husband with another man, probably her whole married life. She just wanted the rich businessman for his wealth to save herself and that was an obvious fact.

But this time instead of sulking about it, Jimin actually smirked as he looked into his own dark gaze in the reflection. It was the realization that moment. That Jung Junsang showed no interest in his mother and in fact, he was interested in him!

Such a pity that Jimin's smile widened. It was so funny after all.

The old rich man looked at him different and even more obvious that he, among all the guests in the party, chose to be with him and talk to him. There was a smile on his face too, everytime. It was clear that Jung Junsang was giving Jimin his attention that only the ones attracted to you would.

Jimin liked it.

Not personally, but because he could just simply use that against his mother.

His grudge was so great, he willed to steal her hope, didn't matter if it was his own life to risk for it, not as long as he'd burn Park Dalrae's dreams into ashes and watch her suffer the rest of her life, as an old lonely woman.

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