In His Absence

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15 October 2008, 04:35 p.m.

The entry's door handle pressed down stilly.

As the door swung open, a masculine figure slipped through the opening.
He looked inside with his light blue eyes inquiringly, searching around the entry space, its right at the guests room's opened door, then left where the music and kitchen's rooms were. Fixing his gaze next upon the staircase where the mirror on the wall displayed a small space of the upper floor in its reflection that had no figure to be seen, nor a voice to be heard.

Relief crossed his face. It brought a short smile to his lips.

Or was it the sense of belonging to that place?


That little smile left his face in instant, however, and his expression changed to sad, or nothing at all upon recalling the last moment before leaving it there, holding a small bag of clothes with him, exactly like the very first time he ever stepped inside of it, as a little child, carrying the same feelings of emptiness and helplessness.

The difference, he no longer could call it home, and it made his heart tighten, causing his eyebrows to slightly curl.

The man collected his thoughts right after and closed the door without making a voice, trailing few steps inside. When he reached the center on his way upstairs, he bumped into Cheonsa that emerged from the guests room suddenly, "Oh! Jeon Jungkook!"

She noticed him first, startling him by her warm welcoming voice that made him jump to his feet before seeing her. Her wide lovely smile on her face caught his attention,

"Welcome!" She looked cute, Jungkook breathed out a chuckle, "Thank you! Tell me, who's here?"

"Eunae is at school. There is no one here but us and miss Deniz."

As expected.

Because sure he wouldn't dare to show up if his uncle and Jimin weren't on their honeymoon. It was the perfect time to pack more of his needed stuff from his room and leave, even better before Eunae returns. Jungkook didn't want to see her pleading face when she realizes he wasn't here to stay and feel bad about it.

Jungkook nodded his head, "I see, thank you." As he was about to hurry upstairs, the girl approached him, regaining his attention to her with placing her hand on the newel cap, "You returned?" Her cheerful voice made Jungkook pause. CheonSa had that smile full of hope and eyes expressing delight that when he stopped and looked down her face, it made him sad for having to disappoint her too, since she apparently wanted to hear a different answer.

"No, actually, I'm not." And watched her smile leave her face immediately, "I just have stuff to take."

She pouted, "I see.."

"This is how it is," He shrugged and continued his way upstairs until reaching the hall where another person met him with the same delighted face as soon as they noticed him while leaving Junsang's workspace.

"Oh, Jungkook!"

Mademoiselle, and alongside her, Mr Byeongho.

"Bonjour monsieur." He said as they stood close to one another and leaned forward to peck her cheek, making her eyes soften, "We missed you."

"I guess you need to get used to it." Jungkook raised his brows with a smile, momentarily gazing at the ceiling, "I'm just here for my stuff."

The lady's eyelids fell and her smile slowly faded with hearing that. But well-

"I made rice pudding," The old man spoke, gaining their attention, "I won't let you leave unless you have some."

"Ah no thanks.. i really need to leave immediately."

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