A Honey Tongue, A Heart Of Gall

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"I don't care about what others say. I married Junsang because i love him." Jimin hugged his husband's arm, facing Jungkook. The old man let out a sigh. He didn't wish for Jimin to hear any of that. It was a damn shame coming from Jungkook than a stranger.

"Don't be upset about it, please."

"I'm not.. actually.. because it's Jungkook who said it, I'll forgive him.."

Did Jimin mean that Jungkook's a fool? .. Or he just tried handle what he heard in good terms? His frowning brows and the anger in his dark green gaze though, brought a flush full of shame to Jungkook's face.
"Everyone has their opinion," Jimin cared to pridefully declare, "and i know you so well. When you see the world from this tiny perspective you are looking at, our marriage may seem like what you stated with those ugly terms, Jeon Jungkook."

The other man gulped in embarrassment,  caring to defend himself, "I only said what i heard.. nothing else."  Jimin crossed his arms in response while his uncle was just  staring at him with big disappointment. ⠀ "You're telling me i married Junsang for money? You have no idea how wrong you are, Jungkook. Know your limits."

"I won't forgive you." Junsang shaked his head at him and before the young blonde could open his mouth, the couples left his room.

Heaviness sank to the pit of his stomach, and regret trickled through him. It all made Jungkook feel alot more ashamed to hit his fist on the wall, blaming himself. He shouldn't have reacted this quick, or should have just kept his mouth shut. 

Minutes passed and Jungkook found himself unable to settle down, wether to go on the balcony to breathe in fresh air and clear his mind, lay down or just close the door and sleep. None of those options felt possible when realization of what he said broke over him and made it impossible for him to wake up the next day and face Jimin and his uncle. He already knew he didn't have the nerve.

Probably it was best to leave the mansion, at least for a while. No one would want to see a person's face that talked shit about them, then Jimin didn't deserve to do so either. Jungkook sighed and opened his wardrobe, packing few shirts and pants, some a little other important stuff in a bag, closed it and wore his jacket, hesitantly leaving his room.

At first, Jungkook wanted to use the elevator in front of his room's door to go down to the ground floor where the kitchen was, and immediately out of the house's gates. But what if leaving without informing anyone be another careless move from him? He stopped where he was and breathed out hard. Tightening his grasp around his bag with a heavy heart and went to the second floor choosing the stairs.

Slow and hesitant, he paced towards the living room, stoping before entering a step inside.

The first to notice him was his uncle. The blonde barely found the courage to look at him back, but as far as their eyes met, Junsang gave him a weird look, and with noticing his bag, reacted completely unbothered and continued eating his food.

Mademoiselle and Eunae noticed him next.

"Jungkook, come sit."

And sure did Jimin notice his presence behind him by now, but didn't turn his face to look. Jungkook didn't expect him do anyway. Neither would he want to look at a person's face that insulted him or a close family member to him.

Jungkook felt glad he wasn't slapped earlier honestly.

"I'm leaving it here."

Mademoiselle reacted both surprised and confused. Eunae stood, "what do you mean?"

"Sit back down Eunae." Her father's serious warning made her almost flinch. What did she miss?

"Me staying here is a mistake anymore."

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