Family Is A Gift

164 11 7

8 September 2008, 8:12 a.m.

Once finishing packing her bags, Mademoiselle placed them next to her bed and with a deep breath wiped the remaining tears from her face.

Mostly her clothes and some other stuff considered important, nothing to make them unnecessarily heavy compared to her heart that felt as if a solid rock settled on it.

The french woman wished she could ignore it and not leave. No, she wished to ask Eunae leave it here with her to live together, away from what was traumatizing them. Because as much as she became unhappy, Eunae too became. And truth be told, Deniz was so attached to Eunae. That girl was her purpose to live. Nevertheless, she couldn't be selfish to separate her from her father. And that was just impossible the woman couldn't even let the thought of it cross her mind more than a foolish moment like this where she was just so desperate.

Deniz sighed. She couldn't even dare pack the frame picture of the girl. The guilt of abandoning her would only leave her more devastated in the future and it won't heal.

Time will suppress it, she hoped. Her feelings for Junsang will fade away and untill then, Eunae would've adjusted to the big change in her life and get used to Jimin's presence instead of her, enough to consider him her second parent.

It's just still too early for that now. Eunae will understand her too, so she found it alright to lie about her reason for leaving.

Because how would she get the nerve to tell the absolute truth? The fact she had too much feelings for mr Junsang to accept his marriage and be there to watch him loving another person, a man. Possible if she wanted to be strong enough yes, but at the same time she'd feel like the third person of the story that Jimin would want to get rid of soon, and Deniz wanted to save him the trouble.

However, it was hard, walking out of her room like usual, pretending to be normal, as if her heart wasn't getting ripped each passing second, as if her feet didn't want to freeze in place. But it was happening, the moment she never ever imagined she'd prepare for someday; saying her goodbyes and vanish like she never existed.

But she tried. She tried because she convinced herself she wasn't doing something illegal. It was her life after all, wasn't it? and she had the right to at least for once, now that Eunae was almost eighteen, make choices without considering her sake, even if that wasn't what she ever planned, like falling for Junsung which wasn't something she did on purpose.

Reaching the living room, Eunae was busy helping Taehyung choose the perfect spot on the wall to hang the square wood piece with her face carved on by her father, Junsang. Him and Jungkook were there too, teasing her and laughing.

Deniz unintentionally ignored the joy and excitement Eunae had from the gift and wanted to talk to her in private like she promised herself do as soon as possible, but before she could speak, she found out Junsang had planned to go visit his sister, mrs Jin Kyong in her farmhouse with the family for brunch.

The next moment she felt troubled with Junsang mentioning he was going to pick Jimin up too. Making her reject to go almost instantly and lie saying she was feeling a little sick.

It was almost convincing until Jungkook decided to open his mouth.

"You weren't sick when you were in the garden last night."

Her gaze shot past him and her face turned scarlet, both in surprise.


Did he see her hiding behind the bushes?? And pretended that he didn't?!

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