chapter one

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1 week ago
   "No fucking way. Absolutely not." Stu hissed.

   "Come on, Stu. It's killing him." Doug sighed. He was trying to convince Stu into allowing Alan to attend his wedding in Thailand.

   We were currently all having brunch at iHop as we discussed Stu's wedding in a week.

   "Alan really wants to go." I said exaggerating the really as I took a bite from my pancakes.

   "I don't care. Honestly, the three of you were barley invited." Stu told all of us as I raised a middle finger at him, and Phil gasped dumbly.

   "All right. I get it. I really do. It's just, you know what? Alan considers you to be one of his best friends." Doug told Stu.

   "I consider Alan to be insane." Stu shrugged.

   "Stu, throw him a bone. His dad pays for everything he eats and breaks. We should squeeze the old man to cover the bachelor party." Phil joined in on the conversation.

   "That's good!" Doug smiled pointing towards Phil.

   I rolled my eyes, "That poor old man is your father in law." I sighed.

   "I'm glad you brought that up, because this is the bachelor party." Stu said.

   I quirked my eyebrow up, "What?" Doug and I quickly said at the same time.

   "What are you talking about?" Phil asked him confused.

   "Yeah. It's my bachelor brunch, go crazy. Get some chocolate chip pancakes, a lap dance from the waitress." Stu added.

   Phil dropped his fork quickly, "That's bullshit." He chuckled sarcastically, "You can't just skip out of a bachelor party."

   "I love iHop, but, no." I quickly said.

   "You see that?" Stu pointed towards his glass of orange juice, "That's orange juice with a napkin on top. Do you know why? So nobody roofies me."

   I laughed, "No one if gonna roofie you, dumb ass."

   "Well, I refuse to eat fucking cantaloupe at a bachelor party!" Phil raised his voice.

   "Come on. Don't you think you're overreacting?" Doug asked Stu.

   "No, I don't." Stu said in a serious tone, "I'm still putting the broken pieces of my psyche back together. And you know what the glue is? Lauren. And I'm not doing anything to screw that up."

   "Oh, please. You wouldn't even be with her if it weren't for us." Phil hissed.

   "Oh, this'll be good." Stu sighed.

   "Stu, think about it. You ended up ditching Melissa. Two years later, you met your true soul mate. You take Vegas out of that equation, you would have married a cunt." Phil shot back, leaving an old couple next to us shocked, "Oh, it's okay. I'm allowed to say it. It's a bachelor party." He told the old couple.

   "Sorry." I apologized to the old couple excusing my boyfriends behavior.

   "Drink up, everybody. Wait, there's no alcohol. I forgot, we're at a fucking iHop." Phil angrily said as I patted his thigh soothingly.

   "Well, it's my decision and it's final. So," Stu raised his orange juice, "How bout a toast?"

   "This sucks. I'm gonna wait in the car." Phil muttered sliding out of the booth in and we all looked up at him.

   "Come on, Phil. Where you going?" Doug asked him trying to get him to calm down.

   "No, Doug. I just don't get it. He's getting married in Thailand. That's great for him but what about us? You're just selfish. Come on, babe." Phil said grabbing my hand as I slid out the booth, "Shame on you." Phil told him as we both walked away.
   Somehow while Phil and I were in the car, Doug convinced Stu to invite Alan to his wedding. So here we were at Alan's house.

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