chapter five

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   "Uh, this is the place." Alan told us.

   It was a strip club. When we walked in there were a ton of girls dancing on poles to loud music while guys watched them.

   "I don't remember any of this!" Stu shouted over the music.

   "Yeah, Alan, are you sure this is the place?" Phil asked Alan. The monkey perched on his shoulder even looked confused.

   "Yeah, pretty sure." Alan loudly said back to him.

   We continued walking deeper into the strip club, looking around confused.

   "Bros, finally!" A man shouted at us, "Is he coming or what? I've been waiting all day for him."

   "Who?!" I yelled back to the man.

   "Yeah, I'm sorry. Waiting for who?" Phil asked.

   "Chow, that dick ass fuck." He answered back. The second he said Chow we all looked at each other with wide eyes, "Why, what's wrong?" The man asked us noticing the looks on our faces. Little did he know Chow's dead.

   "Nothin. Nothings wrong." Phil quickly said.

   "Okay, good. Look at this. Look what I bring for him." He told us uncovering a machine gun, "Check it out, huh? $6,000, American."

   "Wow. It looks so real." Alan said amazed. He picked up the machine gun and accidentally started firing it.

   Tiny pieces of glass fell down from the ceiling on everyone in the club as we all ducked down and screamed. Phil quickly pulled me behind him shielding me.

   "Sorry. Sorry." Alan nervously apologized to everyone as the club went silent.

   "Alan! What the fuck!" Phil screamed.

   "We literally just could have died!" I joined in.

   "It's okay! It's okay. The gun, very sensitive. Very sensitive." The man quickly told us, "Everybody okay?!" He yelled to the strippers and they slowly nodded their heads, "Okay? Then get the fuck back to work!" They slowly got back up, "Come on! Music, please!" The music started playing and the strippers started dancing again, "Where is my $6,000?"

   "No, no, no. That's Chow's deal. We got nothing to do with that." Phil told the man.

   "Un-fucking-believable, man." The man sighed, "This guy, if he backs out again, this shit is gonna catch up to him okay?" He angrily told us, "He's made a lot of enemies in this town and now they're your enemies."

   "That's not fair!" Stu yelled.

   "Okay, listen. We're just looking for a little kid." Phil told the man.

   "Two thousand dollars." The man quickly said. My eyebrow quirked up shocked.

   "What?!" Stu shouted.

   "I don't know. Maybe more. How young you want this kid to be?" The man continued.

   "Maybe you should have worded that better, Phil." I told my boyfriend.

   "No! No, no, no. Sorry. You misunderstood. We're looking for our friend, 16 years old, Teddy?" Stu explained.

   The man looked at him, "Teddy? Yeah, he was here with you guys last night."

   "He was?!" We all said in unison.

   "You remember if he left with us?" Stu asked the man.

   "I don't know. You were in the corner all night with Kimmy. I didn't see you leave." The man answered back.

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