chapter ten

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   Lauren's father gave his blessing. The wedding was happening and we were all so happy.

   Lauren and Stu decided to give everyone a thirty minute break, to clean themselves up and get ready for the wedding.

   During that thirty minute break we all rushed and tried our best to get ready fast.

   After a very stressful thirty minutes of taking a five minute shower, doing quick makeup, attempting to fix my hair, and hurriedly getting into my white/ yellowish bridesmaid dress, it was all worth it.

   I stood on the left side with Tracy and the other bridesmaids while the guys stood on the right side.

   Tracy and I smiled proudly as we saw Lauren walking down the aisle with her father.

   "Thank god you guys made it back in time." Tracy whispered to me.

   "I know... the last two days were literal hell." I sighed.

   "Later on you're telling me everything that happened." She mumbled.

   "Maybe I'll leave some things out..." I muttered, "We don't wanna stress the baby out." I nodded my head towards her pregnant stomach.

   "I'm sure it wasn't that bad." She quietly laughed.

   "Trust me, you don't wanna know." I whispered. We pulled our attention back to Lauren who was finally at the alter with Stu.

   "Dear family and friends... on behalf of Stu and Lauren, I welcome all of you for this marriage celebration." The officiator started.
After the ceremony it was now night and we were getting ready to kick off the reception. The guests and all of us stood on the beach by the water. We all held floating lanterns happily. We were going to release them into the night sky.

"Okay, go!" Stu happily shouted to everyone.

One by one, we all let our floating lanterns lift into the air.

"Woah.." Phil quietly said amazed.

Once all our floating lanterns were in the night sky we all gathered around and stared at them mesmerized.

"It's so pretty." I smiled as I rested my head on Phil's right shoulder.

"Not as pretty as you." Phil smirked at me.

"You're so cheesy for that." I laughed.

"Take the compliment and go." Phil rolled his eyes.

"Thank you." I thanked him as I giggled, "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered pulling me in for a kiss.
"I walk along the avenue! I never thought I'd meet a girl like you, meet a girl like you! And I ran I, I ran so far away, I couldn't get away!" The head singer from the band sung while we all danced.

"Thanks, buddy. Can you hold on for a second?" Alan told the band as he walked onto the stage.

"What's Alan doing?" I asked Phil confused.

"Who knows." Phil sighed.

The band stopped playing and Alan grabbed the microphone, "Hello? Hi, everyone. I'm, uh, my name's Alan Garner." He introduced himself, "Um, I want to thank the asiastic people, for allowing us in your land. I wanted to, um, say that, um, I'm really happy to be here."

"Aw." Lauren cooed, meanwhile Phil was curiously staring at Alan.

"I have a wedding gift to present to Lauren and Stu. Um, and a lot of thought have gone into this. And I hope that you appreciate it as much I di- are going to." Alan stuttered, "Okay. Guys." He gently put the microphone back and walked to the end of the stage as a drumroll rumbled.

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