chapter six

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   "Is Stu still crying?" I asked the guys as I ran out the strip club and still heard Stu whining.

   "Yeah, took you long enough." Alan told me in a sassy tone.

   "Wow. Sophie, you look so good." Phil complimented me, glancing up and down my body and back at my face.

   "Alan, can you tell Phil I said thank you." I mumbled as I walked over to Stu.

   At this point I was just going to screw around with Phil. Yes, Kimmy told me he loves me and cares about me, which I appreciate. But at the same time he really got me angry with what he told Stu, so he deserves the silent treatment for now.

   "Sophie says tha-" Alan mumbled before Phil cut him off.

   "I heard." Phil interrupted him rolling his eyes.

   "I can't believe I got with a man." Stu whispered.

   "Stu, it's okay. No one is ever gonna know, but us." I told him as I patted his back.

   "Yeah, we'll just forget about it." Phil joined the conversation.

   "It's not that simple." Stu sighed.

   "I've done so much fucked up shit, and I just forget about it." Phil assured him. He took a quick glance at me, "Well, not bad stuff, just average shit. Nothing too jurassic." He quickly said nervously as I glared at him.

   "You have?" Stu quietly asked him.

   "Yeah. You just forget it. It goes away." Phil nodded his head smiling, "This might be harder to go away. I've never done anything like that... I've never cheated on Sophie, and never will." He side eyed me as I shook my head, "But in time you'll forget, it'll happen."

   "Uh, okay, that's what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna forget about it." Stu cringed.

   "Never happened." Phil shrugged.

   "Yep, I don't even remember." I said as I gave Stu an encouraging smile trying to make him feel better.

   Suddenly we heard a phone ringing, and of course it was Lauren's dad.

   "I can't answer it." Stu whined.

   "Stu, you have to." I told him.

   "He might know something about Teddy. We still have a shot." Phil quickly said. He jumped up, grabbing Stu's shoulders, "Get your head back into the fucking game, Stu!"

   He sighed picking up the phone, "Hello?" He said into the phone, "Yeah, ha, ha. I guess it was kind of stupid." He nervously laughed into the phone, "Uh, Teddy's seasick, actually."

   "Oh, shit. Did he ask to talk to Teddy?" I whispered to Stu and he nodded his head.

   "Well, that's weird, because he's puking everywhere." Stu told Lauren's dad, "Yeah, I knew that already." Stu sighed into the phone.

   Phil quickly grabbed the phone out of a nervous Stu's hands, "Mr. Srisai? Hey, it's Phil Wenneck." Phil said into the phone, "Listen, I apologize. We've been reeling in some crazy marlin, and I just want-" Out of nowhere Phil was hit on the back by a helmet from two men driving by on a motorcycle.

   "Phil!" Stu and Alan yelled as Phil fell to the ground.

   "Oh, my god!" I kneeled down.

   "Are you okay?!" Stu shouted.

   "Jesus." Phil sighed holding his shoulder, "Fuck me." He whispered.

   One of the men parked the motorcycle and the other quickly hopped off, "Give us back our monkey!" The one that hopped off yelled.

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