chapter two

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"I can not believe you two." Doug sneered at us disgusted.

We were currently in the car driving to the resort, shortly after we landed in Thailand.

"What are you talking about?" I asked my brother playing dumb.

"Please, as if we don't know what you guys were doing in that bathroom." Stu laughed.

"We weren't doing anything." I shrugged trying to deny it.

"We literally heard Phil!" Doug loudly said.

"Well, I couldn't even finish. So basically, nothing happened." Phil mumbled annoyed.

"Um, ew." Doug cringed, "I don't want to ever hear what I heard in that bathroom or hear you talk about my sister in that way."

"Wait. So are you two like, together?" Alan randomly asked us.

"Yeah, for like, two years." Phil told Alan.

"I thought you knew." I said to Alan confused.

"Hmm, I guess I just didn't wanna believe it was true." Alan said sassily.

"What?" Stu laughed.

"It's okay, guys. We all know Alan is gay for Phil." I joked causing all the guys to laugh, even Teddy.

"Why are you laughing? This is wolf pack business only." Alan hissed at Teddy.

"Alan, relax." Stu muttered.

"Whatever." Teddy shrugged.

We suddenly pulled up in front of the hotel and it was amazing, everything looked so beautiful. I was so excited for this vacation.

We all piled out of the car. Lauren happily kissed Stu and greeted us as we walked into the hotel.
Phil and the guys wanted to get a drink at the bar before heading up to their rooms, but I decided to let them have some boy time. While they were doing that, I was taking a nice shower so I could get ready for the rehearsal dinner later.

Once I hopped out the shower I quickly put on a pair of panties, and a random black tank top I found in my suitcase.

I walked into the bathroom and started styling my already damp hair with my revlon brush, creating the perfect blow out. It really looked like I just got out of the salon.

"Hey." I heard from outside the bathroom. I poked my head out and saw Phil.

"What's up?" I smiled, walking up to him and giving him a kiss, "You taste like alcohol."

"Yeah. But it's like, fine." Phil shrugged laughing.

"You're drunk." I said. It was so obvious by his movement and manner.

"I am not." He rolled his eyes, "Like, at all." He laughed.

"Yeah, okay." I said sarcastically, walking back to the bathroom, and starting to work on my makeup, "You need to take a shower and get ready, I don't wanna be late for the rehearsal dinner."

"Ughhh." He groaned as he started undressing and hopped in the shower, "Wanna join me?"

"I already took a shower." I told him as I put contour on.

"Whatever." Phil sighed.
I put on a really cute simple short champagne colored dress. The spaghetti straps were criss cross at the top creating an x on my chest, and revealing some cleavage.

For my finishing look I applied more mascara, and lipgloss, added my jewelry, and then sprayed perfume on my body.

Once I was done I walked out the bathroom to grab my black heels and slip them on. I saw a more sober Phil lying on the bed in a tux without a tie. Looks like he was going for a more laid back look.

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