chapter three

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The next morning
   I slowly opened my eyes as I woke up and blinked several times confused. What the fuck?

   "I didn't do anything. I swear to god." I heard Alan from afar.

   "Your hair is gone." I heard my boyfriend mumble to him.

   I slowly pulled my body up from the hard ground and looked at my surroundings confused. We were in what seemed to be a rundown dirty hotel room.

   "What the fuck?" I mumbled.

   "Soph, you're up." Phil muttered as he walked over to me.

   "Oh, my god. It happened again!" I quickly shot up, "Where the fuck are we!" I yelled freaking out.

   "Sophie. Sophie, relax." Phil said trying to calm me down.

   The lights quickly went out, "Phil, I'm scared." Alan whispered, and then we heard a groan from the bathroom.

   Phil quickly walked to the other room, pushing Alan on his way and causing him to fall to the ground, knocking a bunch of glasses over.

   "Where is your hair?" I asked him very confused as I looked down at him.

   "I don't know." He sighed. We both walked over to the bathroom.

   "Stu, come on, get up. We got a situation." Phil clapped his hands to a very tired Stu who was in the bath tub.

   "Ughhhh..." Stu groaned as he pulled himself up. On his cheek was an exact copy of Mike Tyson's popular face tattoo.

   "Woah." I looked down at him with wide eyes.

   "Oh, holy shit." Phil mumbled.

   "Where are we?" Stu asked as he looked over at Alan, "Oh, my god, Alan. Your head."

   "No, your head." Alan said back to him.

   "He's bald." Stu whispered.

   "Stu, you're gonna freak out, but it's okay." Phil said to Stu calmly.

   Stu quickly stood up worried. His first thought was it was his teeth. After we told him no he rushed to the mirror.

   "Oh, my god!" Stu yelled shocked, staring at his reflection, "What the fuck? Ow!" He hissed as he tried to wash the tattoo off, "It's not coming off! This is a real tattoo! Alan, what did you do? Did you roofie me?"

   "Yeah, did you?" I asked Alan. How could we end up in the situation twice?

   "I didn't do anything." Alan shook his head.

   "He swore to god." Phil backed him up.

   "What happened?" Stu whispered, when suddenly a monkey jumped onto Stu's shoulder, and we all started hysterically screaming. It quickly flung to the top of the shower and stared down at us.

   "Oh, it's a monkey. Look at the cute little vest!" Alan cooed as he walked over to the monkey, attempting to pet it, while Phil protested, "Hi, little monkey." The monkey quickly slapped Alan's hand away, "You butthole."

   A phone started ringing and Phil instantly picked it up, "Doug. Doug. Where the hell are you?!" A couple seconds went by, "Oh, Jesus. Thank god. Doug's fine. He's at the resort!"

   "Why aren't we at the resort?" Stu asked confused.

   "I don't know, man. We woke up in some shit hole room in some city." Phil continued talking on the phone, "I don't know, Doug. Fucking Asia town."

   I walked over to the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My dress was absolutely ruined. It was dirty and ripped. My hair was a wavy mess. And my eye makeup was smudged so badly I looked like I was going through my middle school grunge phase all over again.

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