chapter seven

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   "What about England? Are we still friends there?" Alan asked Phil as we walked into lebua hotel.

"Alan, I already told you, It was in the heat of the moment. Okay? We're still friends all over the world." Phil sighed. Our whole trip to lebua hotel was just Alan asking us if we were friends in different locations around the world.

"Even Great Britain?" Alan continued and Phil nodded his head yes, "Sophie, are we friends in Great Britain?"

"Yes, Alan." I mumbled. He then went on to ask Stu, who said, we'll see.

"Gentlemen and lady, follow me." A random man sitting in the lobby told us.

We shared confused looks and slowly trailed behind him. He led us upstairs to a fancy restaurant with a nice view.

"Kingsley, I have your guest. Here you go." The man muttered to a bald guy who was sitting at a table slurping up soup.

"Well! It's about time. Sit down." Kingsley told us, we looked at him hesitantly for a couple seconds, "Come on. Sit, sit, sit, sit." He quickly said. We all took seats at the table while he observed us, "Wow. You guys look like shit." He then glanced at me, "Except for you. You look gorgeous."

"T-thanks." I stuttered. Who the hell even was this Kingsley guy?

Phil clenched his jaw, obviously annoyed by Kingsley's comment, "Uh, do we know you?" He asked looking him up and down.

"Hey." Kingsley muttered to Alan, "Take off your fucking hat. You're in a restaurant, for christ sake." Alan hummed slowly pulling his hat off.

"Okay, listen. Uh. We have no clue what's going on here." Phil told Kingsley.

"You know, they sell a plum of whiskey here. It's fuckin unreal. Seriously, it will absolutely fuck you up." Kingsley laughed as we looked at him annoyed, "Oh, I'm sorry. You guys already got fucked up, didn't ya?" He continued laughing.

Phil cleared his throat, "Listen, I'm a little confused. How did you-"

Kingsley cut him off, "Yeah. You know what? I'm a little fuckin confused. Where's Chow?!" I pulled my head back annoyed. Why does everyone need Chow now that he's dead? We all hesitated for a second, not knowing how to answer, "Where is Chow?! With the fuckin account code and the fuckin password?!" He screamed as he hit the table causing guests in the restaurant to stare.

We all stared at him in shock, "We don't know anything about any codes." Stu spoke up, "We're just trying to find our friend."

Kingsley looked at Stu menacingly, "Teddy?"

"Yes!" Phil and Stu said at the same time.

"Yes, Teddy. Have you seen him?" Stu quickly asked him.

Kingsley chuckled, "Come here." He told one of his security guards who handed him an envelope, "Let's see. Oh. There's Teddy." He mumbled, placing pictures of Teddy and all of us down on the table.

"Holy shit. It's from last night." Phil quickly said as he grabbed the photos and observed them.

"Shit." I whispered, looking over Phil's shoulder, and observing them also. The pictures were of all of us in a very drunken state. We looked seriously fucked up.

"Who are you?" Phil questioned Kingsley.

"I'm a businessman. And I have invested a large chunk of capital in your friend Chow. And in return, he was supposed to transfer our profits electronically, about..." He checked his watch, "Five fucking minutes ago." He sighed, "So, last night we took Teddy as insurance."

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