9 ~ "I Want This, Eddie!" *

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- Eddie POV -
"I love you, Y/N..."
I can't believe I just said it, I kept thinking it but stopped myself when I was around her in case she heard it - dating a fucking mind reader has its challenges... a phrase I never thought I'd ever say. She didn't say anything, just stayed cuddled against my body, her jaw dropped open as her magnetic eyes just seated into mine, I thought for sure I'd just fucked up. Does she even know what I mean by that? Has anyone ever told her that before? Fuck. Please say something, sweetheart. I started sweating as my heart begin to pound in my chest, trying to keep my thoughts as silent as possible so she wouldn't hear my fucking panic. Jesus Christ. Say something. Say anything.

"I- I love this too, Eddie!" her face lit up with a beautiful smile as her eyes glossed over with tears, my brain started to go into fucking meltdown from the sound of those words. She loves me... she loves me. "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I screamed in my head, she must've heard it as she started giggling and peppering my face with soft kisses. Her soft, plump lips moved to mine as she began passionately kissing me, taking the lead this time as her tongue was the first to start exploring, gliding delicately into my mouth. Her body leans up so her face is above mine as her body moves to obstruct mine, her leg crossing over my lap, moving to straddle my hips as my hands hold onto her thighs. "Fuck, I'm so hard right now..." Oh god, I hope she didn't hear that, I thought I'd gotten away with it until she started to giggle against my lips, her hips grinding herself against me. "You devious little- fuck.".

"Princess, wait- I... I don't want you to do anything you might regret." my hands moved to her hips, stopping her seductive movements, she looked at me with pleading eyes as she softly whispered "I want this, Eddie!" - Does she even know what 'this' is? Her eyes burned into mine, making me fucking weak to her, yes, I wanted this... but I didn't want to take advantage of her naïveté. "Eddie... I know what sex is. I know it's better to do it with someone you care about and trust... and for me, that's you." she pleaded as her lips began to pepper mine again, her hips slowly rocking over mine in that fucking teasing way she did before. "Alright, alright... but promise me, you'll stop me if you change your mind? Okay?" she nodded frantically and grabbed the bottom of her T-shirt, quickly pulling it over her head and tossing it to the floor revealing a huge smile on her beautiful face as the shirt moved over her head. Fuck, this girls gonna be the death of me.

- Y/N POV -
He said "yes", I can't believe it! I was finally going to have sex... with Eddie! I threw my shirt off before he could have the chance to talk me out of it, his eyes transfixed at my breasts nicely cradled in my bra, his brain silent as it goes into meltdown. "Let's really fuck him up, shall we?" I thought as my hands reached behind my back and slowly unclipped my bra, holding the cups in place with one hand as I removed the straps from my arms before slowly letting it drop into our laps, exposing my naked chest. "Ho-ly fuck..." he thought - BINGO! Brain successfully fucking melted.

Leaning off the mattress, he pulled his own shirt up his torso and over his head letting it drop to the floor with mine. His body was amazing, lightly toned with a little bit of tummy, small crop of brown hairs rested in the centre of chest, tattoos lightly scattered across his body - I'd seen his body and tattoos before as he sleeps topless, but it was like I was looking at him in a while new light. My hands delicately graze down his chest, feeling every divot and curve in their path, tussling the little patch of hair on his chest. Working my hands down his stomach until my fingertips are tickled by his treasure trail... and I can't wait to see the treasure it leads to.

My hands land on his belt buckle, dancing my index finger over it in a silent request to remove it, he smiles as lightly nods and I work quickly at undoing the buckle, along with the button snd zipper of his jeans. I grab ahold of the top of his jeans, pulling at them as he shifts and shuffles, allowing me to glide them down his body and discard them on the floor, the soft outline of his growing member becoming increasingly more visible as I leaned over and kissed him deeply, my hands gently cupping his cheeks. His warm calloused hands work their way across my body, stopping at my breasts, my nipples hard as they impatiently await contact from his hands. His hungry kisses move down my neck, his teeth nipping at the soft skin as his palms cradle my breasts perfectly in their warm embrace. I feel myself getting totally fucking lost in his gentle touch, something I'd only ever read in books or watched on TV coming to life as I sit on top of him.

Shot In The Dark - An Eddie Munson & Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now