11 ~ There's Something About Baker... *

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- Eddie POV -
It's been almost two weeks since the incident at the trailer, I'd forgiven Y/N for what happened but I could see it was still eating at her. When we got up the next day she seemed so different... she was apologetic, sure, but she seemed almost angry. Like there was something she wasn't telling me, something dark. She didn't seem timid or terrified anymore, she was bold and took charge everywhere. I can't say I was complaining about the new and exciting sex life we seemed to be living, I love a good, rough fuck as much as the next guy but Christ, my back was raw from claw marks and I really thought I had friction burns from the constant and aggressive fucking.

But it wasn't just the sex that changed, she was different around our friends, still withdrawn but not shy anymore, it was like she had no patience for people, didn't want to be around us, well except for me. Out of nowhere, she'd started using her powers. Whenever she was mad she'd slam the doors with a flick of her wrist, almost taking them off the hinges. In school she'd randomly trip people up, only dicks, but still... this wasn't her. When I confronted her about it she told me I wouldn't understand and to leave it alone. I always invited her to watch D&D, even play if she wanted, but kept declining and telling me she was going to see Robin or Nancy, which was great to hear... but she still seemed off and would stay out for hours.

I sat in my usual spot during Hellfire that evening, but I couldn't focus on the game I was meant to be conducting. Just like when I first met her, I couldn't stop thinking about Y/N and how she's been lately. "Yo, Eds... you there man?" Gareth started waving his hand in front of my face, pulling my focus back to the room. "Yeah, sorry." my mind still not fully registering where I was or what I was meant to be doing, "Sorry boys, I think it's time we call it a night..." glancing at my watch and seeing it was only 4pm, the room echoed with disappointed groans and protests at my unusual cancellation. "Come on, man. We're this close to defeating you and you wanna call it a night?!" Dustin protested, he was right, they were about to defeat one of my most sadistic campaigns yet, but I needed his help with something. "I'll make it up to you all. But right now Henderson,Wheeler and I need to see Harrington, now." the two boys looked at me with strong confusion but nothing nodded cautiously as the others shared glances. Finally packing up and saying goodbye, I was left in the room with the two youngest club members to help me in my secret mission to figure out what the fuck was up with my girlfriend.

After briefing the guys on Y/N's recent behaviour changes, I shared with them the incident in the trailer that night and they looked at me like I'd gone mad. Then Wheeler confirmed the worst, he told me that Nancy hasn't been spending time with Y/N after school, said Nancy's been at the paper or with Jonathan every night, he couldn't account for Robin but I was hoping Harrington could allude me to that. Turning up at Family Video unannounced clearly didn't sit well with Harrington, made even worse when my mood turned foul at the sight of Robin at work, meaning Y/N wasn't with her either. I briefed them both on what I'd told the two boys, Harrington naturally commented on the ligature bruising Y/N had after that night and assuming it was some weird sexual thing, but both agreed that Y/N hasn't been herself.

"I didn't wanna say anything man, but yeah, your girlfriend's turned into a real bitch." I'd normally be mad at Harrington for something like that, what he was kinda right and I didn't like to say it myself. "It's not just that though, dude. It's the sneaking around and lying about her alibi too!" and immediately off the back of my sneaking around comment, Wheeler adds the most useless suggestion I've ever heard, "Maybe she's seeing someone else?" I scowled at him, she'd never do that. She was still so loving and sweet towards me, still enjoyed nights cuddled up on the couch in front of a horror movie, but everything else about her was so fucking different. "Nice one, dumbass!" Robin spat as she smacked Wheeler up the side of the head, causing him to flinch and grimace, "What about your girlfriend, Wheeler? She can do that 'mind piggybacking' thing, right? Maybe she could see what Bakers up to?" Finally, a useful suggestion! Buckley was turning out to be my new favourite right now.

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