12 ~ "You Are Not My Friend!"

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I've been working for weeks to try and open this portal to the world Peter has been banished to, lying to Eddie most days about where I've been make me feel so fucking guilty, I hear him thinking about how much I've changed since I agreed to help Peter, but this is for him too. Peter promised me the life I want if I help him, we can be free together like we always wanted when I was a kid, with Eddie too! Nobody searching for us, no monsters, no danger, no nightmares... it sounds almost too good to be true. It takes every fibre of my power to make the crack in the tiles expand even a little, yesterday I saw the crack begin to pulse with an amber glow, telling me I'm so fucking close.

With Eddie spending another night at Hellfire, I'm free to sneak back to the lab and try again, certain that tonight's the night I'll get it open and Peter can help me deal with El. My body is exhausted and I feel myself growing weary and nauseated as I keep my stance in the middle of the playroom, both my arms extended out to try and rip the wall open, blood slowly pouring from my nose as my body trembles. The crack starts to expand across the wall, the centre of it pulses amber again as it looks like it's burning, a blackened halo forming around the edges of the amber gap. The lights start to flicker above my head as the glow burns brighter and expends out and down across the wall, small flecks of black dust, like ash from a fire seep through the gap, filling the room.

"Y/N?" My concentration breaks as my hands drop as my body collapses to the cold tiled ground onto my knee, hands pressed into my thighs, barely keeping myself upright. I turn to see the faces of everyone I know standing at the doorway of the playroom, Eddie out front ahead of them. His big brown eyes are glossy with tears as his brows knit together, he radiates worry but I'm so exhausted to hear what he's thinking. He reaches his shaking hand out cautiously as he take a small step closer towards me, "No." I snap, holding my hand out toward him, keeping him in place despite his efforts to keep moving closer. His face dressed with that same look of absolute terror as the night I propelled him across the bedroom, my heart shattered at seeing that look again, "Y/N... Please... Don't do this!" he pleaded as the tears pooled in his eyes, ready to break free imminently. "I can't, Eddie... I have to do this." I feel the warm tears start pricking at my tired eyes, Eddie's pleading face breaking me apart as I resist to urge to release him.

"Y/N, Peters lies. Just like Papa." El stepped forward from the hoard of friends standing in the doorway, taking slow and cautious steps as she passed Eddie and continued toward me. My eyes dart rapidly between Eddie, El and the group at the doorway, my mind racing with the voice of Peter, telling me over and over that El lies, that El had made everyone believe her lies. I release my hold on Eddie as I rise to my feet, "No Eleven... You lie. You are like Papa!" my right arm holds El in place as she grasps at her throat, the left swings across the room and pushes Eddie backwards into the gawking friends before the door slams shut behind him. My hand moves again to drag the large, white bookshelf in front of the door, barricading everyone outside it, leaving only El and I in the room.

El still claws at her neck as she continues to try and release herself from my grasp, as she reaches her hands up to use her own powers to push me back, I gesture to the loose cables hanging from the broken ceiling tiles, they snake down the from the ceiling and wrap tightly around her wrists. "Oh, little Eleven... You thought you'd gotten everybody fooled with your lies. Thought you could put a stop to anyone who tried to stop you from destroying us all. Not this time!", she tries to speak but only muffled grunts and gasps are heard as I keep my tight telekinetic hold on her neck. I hear the other banging on the door, pleading for me to open it, for me to stop what I'm doing... but I can't. "005, it's almost open... you have to keep going!" Peters voice echos in my mind, he must be near the gateway. My hand drops from El's neck as I turn my attention to the wall again, keeping a grip on the cables holding onto her wrists, I raise my other hand to the wall as I fixate on ripping it open again. "Y/N! Stop!" El shouts but I try to tune it out as I feel the wall starting to crack, the amber void growing as the blackened edges expand across the wall.

Shot In The Dark - An Eddie Munson & Y/N StoryWhere stories live. Discover now