Part 1 : No Greek God

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Stumbling upon a stone, She landed on the hard wall

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Stumbling upon a stone, She landed on the hard wall.

Oh! Clumsy her.

Rubbing her head, she backed away expecting someone with a Greek God body but all her dreams shattered when it actually turned out to be a wall. Once Again.

Freaking 4 years! It has been 4 years since she is expecting to bump into a handsome man but poor her. Her whole college life is going to end only bumping into walls.

No Greek God for her!

Twitching her lips in annoyance, she glared at her friend, Sanya Gupta, who was yet again enjoying the show. Sanya has been enjoying this show for close to 4 years.

She still remembers how she entangled with this cute little dramatic girl at the start of their Graduation. Oh! By that, their Graduation is going to be over in less than 2 months. She is glad that both of them already have a pre-placement offer. After all, the hard work paid well.

"It's all because of you. Couldn't you tell me that I am moving in the wrong direction" Meera Sharma, the 5'2 one made a face at Sanya

"You never let me open my mouth. Sh! Let me speak, Sanya. It's important " Sanya imitated Meera, rolling her eyes.

Meera sighed, "Still..."

They went to sit on the empty chairs in the canteen. Requesting for their all-time favorite "chole-Bhatoore".

There is nothing as tempting as chole-bhatoore.

It was their regular schedule to eat it once a week.
They both wondered how they did not get fed up with eating the same dish so often.

"So, what after exams? " Sanya asked taking a bite of her favorite dish.

"Getting married! " Meera said in a duh tone.
While all the girls of her age including Sanya are running away from the name of the marriage. Here, Meera was all ready for her marriage.

Sanya couldn't help but cringe at her words. For God's sake, they were only 22. She could never understand why was Meera so excited about getting married. Earlier, When Meera mentioned about getting married after getting the job, Sanya thought it to be sarcasm or a joke. But she didn't know Meera was serious about getting married early.

Didn't she know Marriage was not at all the bed of roses shown in movies or the fiction she read in books? Marriage comes with a lot of responsibilities. You drastically grow up when you are married.

But As far as Sanya knew, Meera was a mature girl. No matter her choices at times were worst than those of a kid. Sanya knew it was all just her childish heart, when it came to giving life advice, Meera was the first person to contact.

Meera is childish yet mature. She is clumsy yet a perfectionist. There is something really attractive about her personality.

Sometimes, she wondered how a girl with a childish heart had such mature thoughts.

"What about you? " Meera asked filling her mouth with more chole and bringing out Sanya from her Revivre.

"I am just gonna enjoy my money. For at least 3 years I am not marrying at all. " Sanya already started dreaming of the places she would visit with her parents.

She is the youngest in her family and the most pampered one. Her parents and her elder brother were always behind her, taking care of her. Now she would pamper them. She would travel with them and they will enjoy it a lot.

"I see. I will join you along with my husband" Meera chuckled excitedly.

"Of course. I would love to get you along but how would you get your husband with us? Won't he be an arrogant one? "

"Oops!" Meera dramatically palmed her mouth and both the girls giggled continuing their conversation.

It was not hidden from Sanya, What type of Husband Meera wanted. He should be Rude and arrogant. Basically, Meera wanted a Hero from her Fictional World. Every time Meera described her to-be-Husband, Sanya would roll her eyes at her, telling they don't exist in real life but that would do nothing to Meera's shiny eyes making Sanya sigh


Both of them turned towards their University at the exit gate. This was the last time they were here. Now after a week of preparatory leave, They would give their final exams.

Soon they were attacked by the rest of the people in their group. It was surprising how two socially awkward people Meera and Sanya were successfully in such a large group. It was a group of lovely people for sure but everyone had their favorites.

The cool breeze caressed their face with nostalgia. The first day, their fresher's party, the projects, and their togetherness in every fun activity. Event after event they were reminiscing their good old memories, the most recent being their farewell. Ah! It feels like so soon.

Turning toward each other, they shared a warm hug with a soft smile of comfort. While the heart was emotional looking at the past, the mind was dreading of uncertain future.

They were excited and also nervous. Some were dreading exams, some were scared for their future as a few of them didn't have a placement offer still. Some were still clueless about what to do after graduation. In contrast, some were already planning to move abroad for their Masters.

Settling the unsaid battles within their hearts, All of them proceeded towards the park to make some last memories together.

Now there will be no bunking classes together, no eating together. Sure they will stick around with calls and meet once in a while but maybe they are soon going to drown themselves in their lives.


She might like pink, but she is not weak.

She might prefer to live in her fairytales, but she is aware of the reality.

She might like dreaming but she knows the truth.

She is a petite dark brown-eyed girl with long wavy black hair reaching up to her waist.

Her sparkling eyes hold a glimmer of mischief and curiosity, always ready for the next adventure. Her expressive face reflects a range of emotions, from genuine delight to comical surprise.

People call her Meera Sharma stood at 5'2 with a soft brown complexion. She calls herself average.

But People around her know she is gorgeous and has a sweet heart.

Trouble knocks, fiction helps. Oh! and don't get her started, she is crazy for Perfumes!

Nature is soothing, it knows everything she wants to tell.

Nature is soothing, it knows everything she wants to tell

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So That's Meera Sharma for You.

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