Part 29: Alluring

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Her shy reaction got him wings

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Her shy reaction got him wings. With a gentle jolt, he sat up, and now, the space between them felt infinitesimal. His proximity to her was like a wildfire, consuming everything in its path. Their nearness and her blush felt like the sweetest melody playing in the depths of his soul.

He held her palm tenaciously, drawing it closer to his lips. As her eyes squeezed shut, she turned her face away, a soft gasp escaping her lips when she felt his warm breath caress her cold palm. The delicate jingling of her earrings, as they swayed with the movement, captured his attention, and he couldn't tear his gaze away from the enchanting sight before him. She was flustered, her cheeks tinged with delicate pink, yet she made no attempt to pull her hand back.

"Meera," he whispered, gently rubbing his thumb on the back of her palm.

Too overwhelmed by emotions to utter a word, she simply hummed in response, still keeping her gaze lowered.

"Look at me," he coaxed softly, using his free hand to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

She remained still, her gaze fixed on her lap, as if wishing to disappear into it.

"Please," he pleaded, shifting even closer to her.

Even the butterflies in her stomach seemed to blush at his proximity. Her heart pounded wildly, threatening to burst from her chest. She clenched the edge of her saree tightly with her free hand.

After a long internal struggle, she finally lifted her head and met his gaze.

His breath hitched at the simple action. Once again, he was struck by the breathtaking beauty of his wife.

Wetting his dry lips, he gulped, his mind momentarily blank as he gazed into her eyes. Her captivating presence made him forget what he had intended to say.

"I... I missed you," he finally managed to say, his voice filled with the sincerity of his emotions.

A frown appeared on her forehead. She was here the whole time why did he miss her?

As if sensing the unspoken question in her mind, he leaned closer to her right ear. His warm breath caressed her ear and cheek as he whispered, "Now, all I want is to be close to you. I've missed being near you." Her trembling hand pressed against his palm in response.

A soft smile played on his lips as he watched her reaction. He gently pecked her earlobe, and her fingers tightened their grip on his biceps in surprise.

Now, she was fully facing him, both her hands firmly holding his biceps. His smile widened at the sight of her flushed face. Sliding one hand down to her waist and the other around her shoulders, he pulled her closer into a warm embrace.

Their legs dangled over the edge of the couch as they hugged, their first tender embrace. A small smile graced Meera's lips, while Rayaan wore a broad grin on his face.

"Bhai, Bhabhi... Oops Sorry!" Aryan rushed toward them, coming from the kitchen while holding a plate of pastries. However, the moment he saw them, he quickly turned his back to them.

Meera hastily separated from Rayaan, standing up in embarrassment at being caught in such a moment.

"Aryan, actually..."

"Never mind, Bhabhi," he interrupted her, still facing away from them. He placed the pastries on the table.

"I got these for you," he said before hurrying back to the kitchen but not before whistling some teasing tunes, "What a romantic weather " He squealed as soon as he was quite away from Rayaan.

It did nothing to Rayaan but Meera was surely embarrassed, hiding her face in her palm.

Rayaan couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. He stood up as well, playfully saying, "Knock! Knock!" as he mimicked knocking on her hands, which were still covering her face.

She groaned and dashed away from him.

His chuckle deepened the moment he saw her running to the kitchen. She looked like a rabbit to him.

Shaking his head in amusement he made his way to their room.

All along the way, he could only think about her. But what's new? The whole day he was already thinking about her it just added to his increased attraction.

Changing his clothes, he slipped his fingers in his hair trying to set them.
He decided to head down but halfway down the stairs he again felt a need to look at himself in the mirror. And he exactly did that, fixing his looks again.

He joined everyone at the dinner table. But his focus was not on the food but on his wife who was looking timid and flushed. He was seeing her this side for the first time and he was really enjoying it.

He was glad, their relationship was moving in the right direction. He was hopeful now that she was getting comfortable with him, with his proximity she might start sharing her life with him. Half the dinner time, his concentration was on her, her dancing and twirling jewelry, her reactions, and her words.

He was surprised with himself. With his unusual behavior.

Who knew that he, Rayaan Oberoi would go crazy over his wife? Who knew he was himself going to indulge in all the cliches he considered cringe?

But look here he was watching his wife like she was the only one present on the entire table.

Rasika and Eshwer held a smile, not even a complete month and their son was already fond of his newlywed wife. They reminisced their own moments, their flashbacks. Nostalgia hit them as they watched Rayaan glance at Meera lovingly.

Rasika was sure he took after his father as she recalled Eshwer from 30 years ago.

Without disturbing them, they let them have their moment pretending as if it was something they see daily.

Even Aryan only focused on his food. The elderly couple appreciated his maturity till the time he uttered, " If you're done with pleasing your eyes kindly pass me the bowl"

Rasika face palmed at Aryan, who was licking his fingers and asking for the bowl with the other hand.

Rayaan coughed before passing him the bowl. After that, the food on Rayaan's plate disappeared as soon as he focused on eating. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Meera trying to hide her face.

After a long and somewhat embarrassing dinner, they retreated to their room. Rayaan sat in front of his laptop, but his attention was more on his wife, who was engrossed in a book. He couldn't remember a time when he wanted to go to sleep early as much as he did tonight. Unfortunately, there wasn't much he could do except wait for his wife to feel sleepy.

It was almost as if his wish was granted. Meera closed her book and placed it on the side table. As she pulled up the blanket, she noticed Rayaan had already turned off the light and settled into bed. She found his behavior quite amusing but decided to let it be. She lay down on her side, quietly waiting for him to doze off so that she could discreetly hold onto his T-shirt.

But tonight he didn't seem to sleep instead he was tossing and turning, Meera realized even he couldn't sleep. After a few minutes, she heard his voice, a soft and cautious whisper that reached her ears, "Are you asleep?" and she wasn't given time to respond. Her body stilled the moment she felt something warm on her side and a hand snaked around her waist.

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