Part 10 : Awkwardness

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Her carefree sleeping form stirred when the first ray of sunshine gently caressed her face, peering through the window on her right

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Her carefree sleeping form stirred when the first ray of sunshine gently caressed her face, peering through the window on her right. It took her a moment to register her surroundings the unfamiliar curtains, the subtle shift in the fragrance of the room. She wondered if she was still in her dream, but as her mind replayed the memories of the past few months, reality settled in. She was married. Married to Rayaan. That arrogant and seemingly mean man.

The man who has intimated her wits, by that she recalled last night. Her heart was pounding when she glanced at the empty side beside her. Did he notice her clutching his arm? She hoped he didn't. He already had plenty of reasons to mock her, and she didn't want to give him another opportunity to embarrass her further.

Running water in the washroom told her about his presence, But she wanted to avoid him at all costs. But the bad part - she can't go out of the room with her messy hair and weary eyes. and the worst part - it was his room, she had to stay in this room with him for the rest of her life as the marriage vow dictated. So she can't technically avoid him forever.

But for this day, at least, she longed to avoid him. She didn't want to endure his scrutiny, his teasing. Despite his sudden change of heart after their engagement, she still couldn't comprehend the reasons behind it. His presence made her nervous. Whenever he was around, her thoughts scatter like leaves in the wind. Her heart starts pounding and her brain stops working.

She walked over to her suitcase and gathered the necessary items to dress for the day. Her plan was simple. As soon as he will be out, she will straight away slip inside the washroom and lock herself, No looking his way or even his shadow for that matter.

Standing near the washroom, she was anxiously waiting for his exit with her firm intention to avoid him. Pacing back and forth only intensified her unease. She just took a step toward the washroom when she crashed directly on his chest. His arms wrapped around her in reflex, Both of them were perplexed at the unexpected encounter.

Why hadn't she heard the door opening? Meera pondered. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest. She found herself lost in his gaze, His one hand holding her by her waist and the other protectively embracing her shoulder. Some water droplets were falling from his hair directly on her cheeks, and some were tracing down his broad chiseled chest.

It didn't help but block her mind completely, "I ... I ... am ....W...Washroom" She fumbled gazing back at his eyes that were boring into hers with concern and surprise.

As soon as the words left her, a glint of mischief crossed his eyes, "I am pretty sure you are not" he replied in a voice laced with amusement, slowly releasing her from his embrace. The vibrations of his laughter resonated through his chest, leaving her utterly flustered.

Without waiting for a second more, she hastily dashed into the washroom not daring to linger any longer.

"Cute!" Rayaan couldn't help but mutter, shaking his head at her. The nervousness and anger seemed to bring out the best in her, he wondered. Oh, how much he would like to explore all her emotions

He took his sweet time getting into his Blue shirt and black flared pant. He had no office today but as the guests were visiting, he had to be presentable before them. Brushing his gelled-up hair, he gave himself a satisfactory look. All decked out for the day, he looked fresh and charming as usual.

Sitting on the bed, he scrolled through his emails, patiently waiting for his wife. As he finished replying to a few, the soft giggles of anklets grabbed his attention. He looked up to find her draped in a crimson-red saree adorned with golden embellishments. Her wet hair cascaded down her shoulders, reaching her waist. Oblivious to his presence, she began untangling her hair, causing water droplets to fall on the floor.

Rayaan observed everything, from the way she applied different products to her face and arms, to the delicate opening of her jewelry box. She chose a pair of heavy golden jhumkhas and secured them in her ears, their gentle sway occasionally brushing against her cheeks. With her right hand, she combed back the hair falling on her face, and her henna-clad fingers ran softly through her locks. She caressed the waist chain, feeling the cool metal against her fingertips as she delicately tied it around her sleek waist. The tiny beads adorning the chain chimed softly, creating a melodic harmony with each of her graceful movements. Picking up a red lipstick, she delicately filled her luscious lips.

Rayaan watched intently, every movement of hers eliciting a response within his body that he couldn't quite explain. It was as if each graceful gesture tugged at the strings of his heart. He found himself captivated by her getting dressed up, mesmerized like never before. What was happening to him? Was he turning into a creepy pervert? He attempted to shift his gaze or make his presence known, but his body remained still. The least he could do was gasp in awe at her every graceful movement.

Returning his attention to her, he noticed her bathing in perfume, not just applying it to her wrists and neck but generously spraying it all over her body.

A smile formed on Rayaan's face - So she is fond of perfumes. He took the note of it.

Suddenly, he heard her gasp, breath hitched finding him in the room. If only she has realized it earlier she wouldn't have been this careless about her dressing. Now she was conscious. She was definitely trying to avoid him but first, she crashed into him, and now this.

She waited for him to make a snarky remark, but after minutes of awkward silence, she heard him ask gently, "Shall we go?"

She was Stupefied she has not expected him to pass by without any mean remark. She could do nothing but nod and follow him outside.

As she tried to keep up with his steps, She almost tripped on her saree, making her saree plates fall off. In haste, she collected the fallen fabric from the floor and turned around.

Rayaan being equally perplexed by the situation turned around too. Once again, the room fell into an uncomfortable silence, broken only by her panicked apologies, "I am sorry, I am sorry! I don't have a habit of wearing sarees. I am really sorry !" Her voice carried a mixture of panic and distress, reaching his ears and prompting him to turn towards her immediately.

Her face was in distress, completely horrified "It's okay! Relax. Of course, you are not used to these things. Take your time. I will wait outside. hmm?" He tried to reassure her as gently as possible.

He quickly moved out as soon as she nodded.

Standing outside, he waited patiently, pondering the sudden surge of fear he had witnessed in her. What could be the cause of her terror? She was happy and carefree while dressing up a few moments ago. And her suddenly being this sacred? Was it normal because of the sudden adjustments?

Minutes later, she emerged from the room, her eyes collided with Rayaan's but she immediately diverted her gaze fidgeting with her fingers.

Without uttering a word, they proceeded downstairs. Balancing her saree plates with one hand and holding the railings with the other, she descended the stairs. Just as she was about to take another step, she noticed a hand in her sight. She followed the hand to find Rayaan's uncertain expression. He wasn't sure if she would appreciate his help.

To his relief, she gently placed her warm palm in his, accepting his assistance. This small gesture filled Rayaan's heart with a giddy feeling. With a small smile on his face, he happily led the way with her.

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