Part 30: Memories

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She was flabbergasted

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She was flabbergasted. Oh! It felt so strange yet so wonderful.

The closeness and his warm embrace made her feel a rush of emotions she had never experienced before.

She didn't realize she was holding her breath untill it started suffocating her. Her chest heaved down as she slowly released her breath. His arm around her waist pulled her closer.

She was starting to doubt that he knew she was awake but she said nothing. She liked the sweet feeling of being wrapped in his arms. She had the whole night to let go of the nervousness within her and she made sure to use it wisely.

The moment she opened her eyes at the interference of the first ray of the sun, she clung herself to his chest. Her one hand held on his torso while the other wandered somewhere around the bed. His one hand secured her to his chest holding her smooth waist while the other was over his head.

She remembered this was the exact scene at which she used to squeal while reading books. And now when it was happening with her in real her mind was completely blocked of any reaction. All she could feel was numerous animals running through the pit of her stomach there was a whole zoo in there. A goofy shiver ran down her spine. The small squeal in the back of her head knocked to be let out but all she could do was to stare at her husband. Nobody prepared her for this situation what must she do?

After an eternal long battle, she finally thought of moving away from him. With shivering hands, she lifted his strong arms. The back of her mind continued to remind her how they felt around her. Flushed, she quickly ran into the washroom leaning over the door to calm down her racing heart.

Her husband whose condition was no different opened his eyes too. He exhaled the breath he was holding. He couldn't get out of the flashes of the soft touch of his timid wife from a while ago. A huge grin broke his lips as he ran his palms on his face frantically.

She moved to her dressing table adjusting her Saree and wiping her wet hair. Her eyes moved to her husband behind her who was gazing at her intently.

There was a different type of glow on her face today. He was getting attracted to her more with each passing minute. There was a constant urge within him to stay close to her, to hold her soft hands, to play with her hair strands. He was trying hard to suppress the feeling that asked him to move closer to her and kiss her a good morning. Well, a sweet little kiss on her cheeks.

But he decided against it. With a smile, he looked at her and then whispered, "Good Morning, Meera"

A shiver ran down her spine the way he took her name. Her eyes immediately cast down finding it hard to match his eyes. Shyly, fumbling with her words and fingers she whispered back, " G... Good Morning"

With a satisfied grin on his face, he made his way to change for the day.

When he returned, he found his wife still in front of the mirror filling her lips with a glossy pink tint. Tossing the towel somewhere on the bed, he moved towards her.

Every beat of her heart quickened with each step he took towards her. She placed the lipstick down and tried to step away from the dressing table, but he was quick enough to reach just behind her.

Though there was no need he intentionally bent down hovering over her back to grab something. His wet hair was caressing her neck as he wandered his head around intentionally. He kept both hands on the table on either side of her trapping her.

The thing he was trying to grab was long forgotten as he just gazed down at his adorable wife who was squeezing the life out of her eyes, keeping them shut.

"So, excited about joining the office the day after tomorrow? " He asked in a gentle voice trying to ease her.

She was feeling hot. Very hot. Early in the morning even after taking a shower. All because of one person. Her husband.

She couldn't help but nod, the proximity was not letting her frame words.

"Then let's make these two remaining days memorable for you" He said leaning closer to her.

Their warm breaths intermingled with their closeness, and their hearts raced like thoroughbreds. A small touch and every inch of her body would have burst into flames; that's how intense his gaze was.

She let out a confused "Hn" Not knowing what he was referring to.

Snaking his arm around her shoulder, he whispered, "Would you like to go for an ice cream today? " Though unsure of her answer he stared at her with hopeful eyes.

The baby hair on her neck rose at his husky whisper. She looked at their reflections, he was looking at her with so much hope. Her insides somersaulted, she never knew he was this attractive or she had just started to feel a little different towards him?

He straightened his face and looked into the mirror matching her gaze, she cast her eyes down shyly. The simplest of her actions was getting the strings of his heart tangled.

Smiling at her innocence, he kept his chin on her shoulder almost hugging her from behind, "I ruined our first meeting at the cafe, and today I want to rectify my mistake. That day I was fuming because I didn't want to marry. Not to you and not to anyone. I was angry at myself and maybe nervous too. But, Meera trust me when I say that I am happy that I am married to you. "

He said softly and noticed how her eyes widened in surprise, he knew she was not expecting it. Smiling at her still-confused face, he turned her around.

Clutching her soft, small palms in his, he nudged her to look up at him, and she obliged. "In just a few days, I've grown so accustomed to you. I feel like marrying you was the best decision I've made. If only I had known I would feel this way after marrying you, I wouldn't have thrown such tantrums," he admitted in a gentle voice.

Moving closer, he gently pressed a kiss on the crown of her head. "I'm glad you're with me."

Meera snaked her arms around his torso burying her face in his chest. And if not before he was immensely delighted now. As a reflex, he wrapped his arms around her petite form pulling her more to him.

They kept savoring their sweet moment for a long time until Meera looked up at him, "You called me Lilliput" She complained remembering their first meeting. Rayaan couldn't help but burst out in laughter. The vibrations of his chest sent chills down her spine.

He looked at her and chuckled again, she looked eatable the way she complained.

"Sorry for that as well" He murmured between his giggles.

A smile appeared on her face as well looking at him laughing heartily.

Rubbing her back, he reluctantly let her go but not before tracing her waistchain with his fingers, making her clutch onto him even more. "Please get ready in that Blue suit again for me. You looked gorgeous that day and I want to relive the moment when you graced me with your beautiful self. This time happily "

He finally let her go but not before squeezing her body into his. "I will be waiting," He said making his way out of the room giving her time to change.

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