Part 16 : Facade

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Having nothing to do, I picked up the mythology novel from my bag, its cover adorned with intricate patterns of gods and goddesses. The weight of the book felt reassuring in my hands, and I ran my fingers over the embossed title, "Tale of the Divine." I had bought this book before our wedding, eager to immerse myself in the story, but the rituals had kept me occupied.

I was idle at home. Rayaan and his parents left for their respective workplaces, and I was left alone at home. I was really surprised when I saw him getting dressed in a formal suit. To answer my unasked question, he told me that he was heading towards the office.

It was not like I was fond of his company or something but still, I felt intimidated by the fact that I will be alone in the new place. Being away from my mother was making me feel emotional. I detested this side of mine. This overly emotional side.

Not wanting to burden myself I decided to read the novel.

With each turn of the page, I found myself drawn into the mystical world of gods and their extraordinary deeds. The vivid descriptions painted images in my mind, transporting me far from the present.

But no matter how captivating the tale was, my thoughts kept wandering back to the lunch we had yesterday. Rayaan's smile lingered in my memory, and I couldn't help but notice how his black shirt had enhanced his already charming looks.

He was behaving all nice, since our wedding. And I had no clue why. All I had imagined him was to be a rude person just as he behaved on the first two and only meetings of ours.

But since marriage, he was what he was not supposed to be - polite and considerate. But then I realized this act was supposed to happen for at least a few weeks in the initial days of marriage. I shouldn't have been surprised.

Very soon all this facade will be gone. Very soon he will reveal his true identity and I was sure of it.

"Do you like it?" he had asked after his first bite, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. I nodded in response. I did like the lunch and I was starving.

My agreement bought a smile to his face that melted my heart, but I refused to let it sway me. I couldn't ignore the sweet smile. It looked genuine. But I was aware to not fall for this pretense. This newfound kindness couldn't be real. "Do you need anything else? " He asked again scanning the menu.

"No" Came my instant reply. The haunting memories navigated through my brain.

I shouldn't remember them. It's okay Meera. Everything is alright. Relax. Everything is fine.

I dug my nails into my palm, trying to calm myself down.

"You Sure? Not even an Ice Cream" He eyed the menu again.

"You can have it if you want. I am full" I mumbled again, He was acting totally opposite to his attitude-filled image.

He gave me an adorable smile before going to the self-service counter. He bought two ice creams, forwarding one to me.

"Consider it my treat." He said.

Hesitatingly, I held it and analyzed his expression if he had a teasing glint. But his face only had a soft smile.

This behavior of him was confusing me. He was being that super-good billionaire from those romance novels I read.

But I knew the reality too well. He wasn't one of them.

After lunch, we drove back in silence, the golden-orange rays of the evening sun painting a calm picture on the windshield. Despite the serenity outside, chaos ensued within me. The evening looked calm but my mind felt restless and unsure, torn between reality and fiction. I felt clueless about the world.

He didn't ask anything further taking the clue that I didn't want to share my thoughts with him. I was grateful, yet my inner turmoil persisted.

To distract myself from these conflicting emotions, I tried to focus on the book again. I kept on reading the same two lines again and again but my mind couldn't grasp a word.

Frustrated, I kept the book aside. My mind shifted to the morning.

"Take care !" He said putting his phone inside his pant's right pocket. And pecking His Mom's forehead. She too lovingly caressed his face. He fist-bumped with his father who was cheerfully waiting for his turn.

He then walked to my side. I was standing at a little distance from the couch. As he approached me, my heartbeat accelerated with each step he took. My heart fluttered with anticipation.

His presence engulfed me, and I could feel the fragrance of his musk cologne enveloping my senses. I inhaled sharply as he moved further closer. I tried to control my emotions, but my reaction felt involuntary, a mixture of anxiety and excitement. Before I could react, he encircled his arm around my shoulder and side-hugged me. The warmth radiating off his body was giving me butterflies.

His warm touch lingered on my skin even after he pulled away. His low, husky voice bid me goodbye, sending chills down my body. I was left stupefied unable to process my feelings. All I could do was nod, I was too flustered to react much.

I kept looking at him going away, statued at the very place until he was no longer in my sight of the line.

Though he went away, the fragrance of his cologne and the warmth radiating off his body was messing up my mind really badly.

I knew the truth, I knew the reality still I was thinking of him. I felt guilty for thinking this way.

This mere feeling had the power to destroy me completely still I had the nerves to feel this way.

Overwhelmed by my thoughts, I must have drifted off to sleep. When I woke up, Rayaan was standing over me, his face etched with anger.

"Why are you so careless, Meera? " He glared at me.

I was scared, I wasn't aware of what mistake I did.

My heart raced, and I tried to find words to explain, but my tongue felt tied, and hot tears gathered in my eyes. Helplessly, I looked up at him, wondering if he was going to show me his true self now.

As his hand rose in the air, I feared the revelation of the man behind the facade. My breath hitched, and the tears fell, dampening the bedsheet beneath me, as I awaited the consequences of my supposed carelessness.

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