Part 20: RomCom

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Over the week our life was going fine. Meera seemed a bit comfortable in the house. Often, when I returned she would be either talking to Mom and Dad or preparing something for Aryan in the kitchen.

Aryan had become the brother she always wanted. It looked like both of them knew each other from childhood. Aryan would buy Junk food for both of them, Of course with my money. I very well knew he was using Meera to satisfy his own cravings but Meera still had to know about his tricks. He would tell her that I wanted to eat those junk and would emotionally blackmail me by saying that I should bring some delicious cuisines for my newly wedded wife.

Along with himself, he was also spoiling my Wife's health. So I decided to trap him in his own plan. "Okay, Bhai, I will go and buy some burgers. Do you want one? Our poor bhabhi likes Burger but there is no one to buy for her ". Aryan started acting as usual with a sad face all ready to hop out of the car.

"Actually, today she asked me to bring some carrots and beetroot for her. She loves beetroot salad and said she would make it for us, especially for you to taste. So, no burgers today" Thinking about the beetroot his face paled and I smirked mentally. He let out a small "Oh" sulking in his seat.

I had one more surprise for him.

We soon reached home and he ran to the dinner table inquiring about the food for dinner. He was horrified when Mom told him it was "Bitter Gourd" And "Broccoli" for dinner. His mood turned sour thinking about the bitter vegetables.

I suppressed a smile forming on my lips, making my way toward our room after greeting Mom.

There she was sitting on the bed like a cat, folding her knees to her chest and boring her eyes into the book fully immersed. Her attention not wavering a bit.

"What are you reading?" I asked placing my phone on the table and she stood by startled by my sudden intrusion. "Huh? yeah! I was reading the book" She flipped the book showing me the shiny title.

I nodded, passing a soft smile, then headed into the washroom.

We had made a little progress, Now she was less awkward and nervous around me. Though the same could not be said about her fret.

She would often return my smile, I could see she was hesitant about sharing anything about her life. She was secretive about her interests and hobbies. The second time I asked about her, she had the same answer "You already know everything about me". It hurt a little, I was a bit angry too but then I realized she was the one who left her home and was trying to be comfortable in a new house, not me.

She will share when she will feel like it. Maybe I was being too impatient, On the contrary, she never asked me a question or tried to know me. I thought she was expecting the same from me which is respecting her boundaries.

I settled with going with the flow and it felt beautiful. Just last night I came to know she was an avid book lover when she was so engrossed in her book that she didn't have any track of time. She asked me how I came in the afternoon and her eyes widened when she realised it was not afternoon.

"Oh my goodness! I didn't keep track of time. I thought I would just read the first chapter but somehow ended up reading eleven chapters" She hurriedly collected her book walking towards her suitcase.

I couldn't help but smile at her clumsy way of walking-running,"You like reading books?"

"I love reading books, especially Romcoms!" She said excitedly keeping her book back in its place.

I looked at her confused, "What's that?"

"Romance + Comedy. That's my favorite" I let out an appreciative "Oh". I was not really aware that authors have such a genre too.

Nonetheless, I was really glad that I could know about her a bit. She was sharing bit by bit.

I came out of the washroom and we together made our way to the dinner table. We joined the rest three while one among them was sulking on his chair, "I am full, I don't feel like eating " He said getting up from the chair.

But you didn't even have your lunch properly," I insisted, forcing him back onto the chair.

His eyes pleaded with me, "No, I did." Of course, he planned to skip lunch and save his appetite for burgers during dinner.

"I...I don't feel like eating," he mumbled, trying to get up again.

"But I made fried rice for you," Meera's voice had a hint of sadness.

And can anyone believe it? His otherwise pleading eyes turned into stars, and drool laced down his mouth. "Oh, my God! Bhabhi, you are the best. Why didn't you tell me this before? You are so sweet, Bhabhi. When I start earning, I'll gift you a diamond necklace!" he blabbered, eagerly taking the bowl from her hand and filling his plate.

All of us chuckled at his sudden change in behavior. Of course, we knew what had restored his appetite.

The rest of the dinner was filled with laughter and silly conversations, thanks to Aryan's entertaining antics.

It was light heart conversation and we kept on talking till late at night. Since it was the weekend and we had no office, We decide to watch a movie. Aryan had set all the arrangements.

He was the most excited among us. We were really fine with anything but he demanded everything should be followed according to the rules. The same rules we were not aware of.

He went through the selection of movies, hiding from us since he wanted to surprise us. I hoped he chose a decent movie. And he actually chose quite a decent movie "Partner," a perfect comedy choice for our movie night.

We were enjoying the movie. Hall was filled with our waves of laughter. As the end of the movie was approaching my parents and Aryan went to their respective rooms claiming they were tired and wanted to sleep.

I thought we should get some sleep too since I didn't want to make Meera awkward. But the screen had already started displaying the scenes I was trying to avoid.

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