Chapter 6.

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Seeking Truth

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Seeking Truth

Finding your mother in the Nightshade library. She stood there quietly. Even as she wished to be alone, you climbed down the steps. You barely said any words as she looked over at you with a biggest frown that could never belong to you. It belonged to your father being behind bars.

"There you are." You say at the end of the stairs, going up to her. "How are you holding up?" You ask even if you know the answer. She was dying on the inside. Quite literally.

Morticia's eyes are soft as ever. "Terrible. And not the kind I adore," She answers. She then places her hands on her hips. "You're a Nightshade." Your mother smiles widely at the thought of you being a Nightshade just like she was when she was in school.

You nodded your head, "Yeah, Xavier pledge me in." You looked around the library with a smile of your own at the thought of him.

Morticia raises a finger, waving it around, "That boy." She stares at your smile. "Have you fallen in love with him?"

"Mom, we're just friends." You told her. "Nothing more nothing less."

"Your face tells a different story my little one." She points out with a knowing look. "It looks exactly like how I looked when your father was mentioned." She walks towards you, gliding, her dress dragging against the floor. "Tell me does he always smile at everyone like that?"

"Like what?"

"As if they're the biggest star, the sun that shines so brightly just for them."

Shaking your head, you push a strand of hair behind your ear. "First off the biggest star in the universe is the UY Scuti, not the sun. And if you're doing a comparison between a sun and moon's love for one another that is incredibly stupid." You cross your arms together. "Because the moon borrows the sun's light to illuminate and reflect so we can see it in our solar system," You ranted and ranted, "So if you're looking for some intergalactic space love dynamic you should really use the moon and earth or sun and stars. They are far better comparisons."

"Well tell me your love dynamic for him."

"Friends, Mom, we're just friends." You told her flatly.

Morticia hums doubtfully. Her fingers grab a hold of your necklace, tracing your initial. "Have you tried using this?" She asks instead.

You frowned, "I don't know. After I was attacked by the monster and almost bled out to death." She frowns wishing to have gotten the information much sooner. "I fell unconscious and instead of seeing my life flash before my eyes, there were these two people wrapped in each other's arms." You tell her. "In a forest. I asked who they were but all they told me was "With time you will learn" and all that b.s. Though the woman looked similar to a woman from a mugshot that belongs to my mother."

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