Chapter 9.

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aMuse You

Being Wednesday's messenger for when she gave people the cold silent shoulder. She only ever used you if you agreed to it. This one you did. Having a drawing of hers, you entered Xavier's shed. Hearing blasting music and seeing him painting. "Hey there." You greeted.

His green eyes landed on you. His smile grows at the sight of you. "Hey, love." The pet name made more moths flutter in your stomach but for the time being you shoved that down. "What brings you here? My good looks?"

"Wednesday and you aren't on speaking terms." You stated. Lifting up a piece of paper between your two fingers. "She needs help."

"Her lines work is a little shaky." He starts critiquing it, shutting off the music.

You roll your eyes, laughing, leaving him breathless at your beautiful laugh no matter the volume of it, "She saw it in a vision and wants to know if you recognize it?" Thing waltzes off of your shoulder, jumping onto the table and walks on his fingers exploring the shed.

The artist in front of you gestures to the same drawing just in much more detail, you made yourself comfortable on a stool. Admiring his skills. "Your having visions again?" You spoke your mind without a second thought.

He places his chin on your shoulder. "Oh yeah." His arms cages you inside as his hands are placed on the table in front of you. "I did this a couple of days ago. When I started having those dreams again, like before." His voice rasping in your ear.

"Was the monster in them this time?" After the drowning incident you both had grown much more attached, he told you everything about him and you told him yours. Both of you end up going deep into the past and expressing your insecurities and many problems.

He answers, "No, but I could feel it in the shadows. You know, lurking in my mind."

"Know where this is?"

He nods his head, "Yeah, it's the old Gates mansion. I pass it when I go running."

Hearing two snaps, you both look over at Thing. Thing then pulls down a very ruined messy painted sheet down towards the ground revealing you looking like a marionette ballerina. Xavier clenches his jaw, separating yourself from him and you head up to the painting. The tortured artist glares at the dismembered hand as he walks over to you. Worried for your reaction.

"My god." You breathed out.

Xavier defended himself, "I did this really late at night and this is what came out."

Your hand lifted up, your fingertips going over the used canvas feeling the dried paint. The strokes of each paint being strung into the canvas. Following a pattern of music notes. It looked beautiful. It made you somehow feel as if it was truly alive. Xavier brings an arm around your waist pulling you back a little as his other hand outstretched the painting coming to life. You watched as painted you dance the same dance you did when gathering all the right information of the vision of Rowan. "I've seen you dance before." He confesses. "You just get so lost in whatever music you're blasting in your room." He gushes over the memory of you. "You dance without a care in the world..." He hangs his words. "You look beautiful." His eyes widened at the compliment his mouth had come to snuck in.

You tell him, "Your art speaks emotions." You turn around facing him. "When you're painting or sketching, everything that has ever troubled you vanishes and all that binds you dissipates." There was a gap of air separating you both. "You just leave this world and live in the one you wish you lived in."

He ducks his head towards you, almost touching your forehead with his. Everything that bidded him was you. He was forever stuck in your gravitational pull. It was like he was the moon and you were his earth. The only difference was that you took the moon's beauty as your own holding it close to you. He lowers himself closer to you, as you lean upwards, your lips almost touching. His thoughts about you grew wild. He wanted to feel how your lips felt against his, how you felt against him. He wanted to feel you. And only you. Your eyes glance down at his lips and back up to his eyes.

Another set of two snaps was heard and you pulled away from Xavier and looked at Thing seeing him holding the drawing Wednesday had come to make. "I should go." You said, sounding a bit disappointed.

Xavier hums with a frown, "I'll see you around, Moonlight."

You tore yourself away from him and grabbed a hold of the drawing, Thing climbing on top of your shoulders. With one longing look you leave Xavier's shed. The farther you get, you glare down at Thing, muttering, "Kiss blocker."


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