Chapter 7.

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Yells & Arguments

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Yells & Arguments

Seeing you this unfazed made something turn her. The words that had come leaving your mouth dropping from the very tongue that held their own voice. You both weren't supposed to become like this. Straying so far apart. Not like this. Not having your relationship this strained. It was... unusual. Wednesday was never used to this long of a grudge or you not speaking to her at least just once (even if it was to check up on her.) You were outright ignoring her and when you did need to speak to you, you had Enid and/or Thing be the messenger (with their consent.)

"You want my help?" Xavier questioned her as she was now standing there before him, asking him for it. It was none more than clear that you weren't going to help her anymore. She was alone in this and needed some assistance. "You ruined my life." He says in a deadly calm voice.

Wednesday kept her mouth closed, what could she possibly say that would get him on her side. Even if she did wrongfully accuse him. "It seems my sister is miserable without you." She keeps her voice the same monotone level if not more. "She's ignoring me."

Xavier scoffs, "Maybe this was her breaking point."

"Why would this be her breaking point?"

"I don't know, maybe you put her friend in jail, wrongfully."

"You mean boyfriend?"

"No, I mean friend."

"Your feelings for one another are obvious Xavier, you like her, she likes you. In fact..." She stares into oblivion. "I've never seen her laugh that loudly even since we were kids." She looks him in his eyes. "You brought out the good in her. And she would like to see you as a free man, help me—"

"No. I tried being your friend. Look where that got me."

"This isn't about us Xavier."

Xavier points at her, "No, it's about you! Every time you get involved, people get hurt. You're toxic. All you ever do is make things worse."

The pig-tailed latina stood there in pure silence. She wasn't gaining his help. She was only losing more of it by the second. Pulling out the photo Rowan's mother had come to draw. "Tyler warned me that something bad was coming. I think—"

She was cut off, "No you already showed me that!" He yells. "I don't care." He then gestures to the paper. "Do you want to stop this? Then leave. Go far away and never come back." Wednesday stares at him. "Do you understand? That can't happen if you're not here. That's how you save everyone, okay?" There was a bit of a mock in his tone of voice towards the last sentence. "So, go." She continues standing there speechless. "Leave!" He screams at her.

✦➶ 𝕥𝓘мẸ ˢк𝐈𝐩 ➷✧

Before she left, Wednesday found you in your dorm room. Instead of bursting into your room, she knocks on the door. Waiting for a response but none came. She guessed that you already knew that she was there to say her goodbyes. A couple of moments later, she finally opens the door.

You sat at your desk reading one of the Nightshade's books. "Y/n." She stands in the middle of your room.

Lifting up your head, you turn to her. "If you're going to give me a backhanded compliment and goodbye, you should just leave," You flat out told her.

Clasping her hands behind her, she says to you, "I should've believed you." You stood up crossing your arms, facing her. "You were right, Tyler is indeed the Hyde. And now he walks free while an innocent man is behind bars."

"Innocent man?" You repeated. "Xavier isn't just a random person you met on the streets. Xavier is my friend, one you took away."

"He'll be a free man once you expose Tyler and Laurel." She takes a step closer to you.

Blinking in shock. You shouldn't be surprised by this, this was Wednesday you were speaking about. Wednesday would stop at nothing to get what she wanted in the end. Even if that meant using you. "Stop. Just stop." You wave your hands around angrily. "You seriously don't care," said you. "You don't care that the man I love is behind bars." You confessed your love for him to the only person that never truly cared about emotions. "I love," You repeated. "But you could care less about my feelings, all you care about is putting Tyler in jail and nothing else."

"I care about you." Wednesday frowns.

"Really? Doesn't seem like it."

Wednesday deeply frowns, her nose scrunching. "It seems like you're dancing with the devil." She talks. "And the devil is dancing with you."

You crossed your arms, raising your eyebrows at this. In turn you retort, "And when you play with fire, the flame is going to burn you." Both an old saying targeted towards those who would speak ill of your name. Now one quote turned to an insult for the other. "I have watched your back. Watch it when no one else can handle you. Now look where that got me." You gesture around the both of you. "LOOK!"

Wednesday raises an eyebrow, "Watched my back?" She clenches her jaw. "You never watched my back. I watched yours." She shakes her head. "Who was there when adolescents started making fun of you for not being a true Addams? Who was there by your side?"

"Goodbye Wednesday." You turned away from her and returned to your book.

She stares at your back, frowning. She places a small note on your bed. "Goodbye Y/n," And with that she sparing you one lasting glance.

Curious as to what she left behind, you picked up the letter once the door shut and read it, Xavier will be transported tonight, by Sheriff Galpin. He's going to be taken to a facility near town. They'll leave once it gets dark.

̷H̷o̷p̷e̷ ̷N̷e̷v̷e̷r̷m̷o̷r̷e̷ ̷b̷r̷i̷n̷g̷s̷ ̷y̷o̷u̷ ̷h̷a̷p̷p̷i̷n̷e̷s̷s̷ ̷I̷ ̷n̷e̷v̷e̷r̷ ̷c̷o̷u̷l̷d̷.̷

From, Wednesday Addams

From, Wednesday Addams

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