Chapter 7.

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Goodbyes had become a futile thing to you. Something about you could always accept the goodbyes and leave it at that. If you had a partner and they dumped you with a heavy detailed explanation of why, you would just nod your head and leave it at that. You had become numb to them. It was something you never quite understood. Goodbye was something that wasn't meant to last forever. You would see them again after some time or lose touch.

Pugsley was hugging both you and Wednesday. You hugged in return whilst your sister didn't. "Don't push it." Your twin warns your guy's brother. He pulls away and gives you two a lasting look before heading towards the car.

Gomez walks over to the both of you. "Well, at least we can't say Parents' Weekend wasn't a nail-biter."

Wednesday says flatly, "I knew it you didn't have what it takes to be a murderer." You elbow her lightly reminding her of her accusations towards the man.

"As much as that stings, gracias my little death trap." He then wraps his arms around her shoulders, kissing both of her cheeks. He then turns to you, "And you my little moon, keep your heart as platinum and give it to someone gold." You smile warmly at him as he too grabs your shoulders kissing both of your cheeks. "That Xavier boy seems to have a heart of gold." He snickers before joining your brother.

"Not you too Dad!" You wave your arm dramatically.

Morticia then turns to you after her conversation with her eldest daughter. Her finger brushing your cheek. "As for you my white rose." She says. "Be your own shadow, no one else's." She gives you a knowing look. "Even if they are close to you."

"I'm working on it." You hug yourself. Morticia lowers herself to your height placing a tender kiss on both of your temples. "Love you, Mom."

"I love you most." She then joins the rest of your family.

Turning back to your sister she was nowhere to be found. Shrugging your shoulders you went to your room in need of doing something.

✦➶ 𝕥𝓘мẸ ˢк𝐈𝐩 ➷✧

As night came, you snuck into Xavier's dorm. Knocking on the window. He comes over to it seeing you, his eyes lighting up and twinkling as stars in the dark night. You wave at him as he opens the window with such bewilderment, "Did you just climb that entire thing?"

"Yes." You said as you entered through it. He shook his head in disbelief as he muttered something under his breath. "I've scaled much taller."

"How tall are we talking about?"

"On buildings? Six stories."


You set down your bag, unzipping them. "Enough about my climbing skills." You say. "I need your help. And I couldn't have gone to Wednesday because she doesn't know anything about this book." You lifted it out of your bag, setting it beside you. "And she has no idea of the files I took from Weems office, and I can't simply tell her about all of this or she'll start questioning me about everything." You rambled on and one as you took out the ingredients you needed for the so-called spell. "And then I'll end up telling her about literally everything. Then she'll find out about my feelings. She doesn't really understand emotions so she just would've said suck it up." Xavier listened to you ramble finding it adorable how you could go on and on never seeing this side of you. "Then I would've said I can harness my emotions and use it as power as cliche as that sounds." You wave a hand in the air. "Then we would've ended up in an argument or give each other the silent treatment—" You cut yourself off as you realized that you were ranting. "Sorry." You said looking over at him. "You don't really care what my situation is, just why I'm here."

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