Chapter 4.

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Thing was rather insistent about having a mani pedi with you. Telling you that you needed to fix up your nails and get them repainted. You only agreed because you missed your mani pedi hangouts. After everything that has been going on you wanted a calm relaxing night.

You planned to tell Thing about the truth that you had uncovered during your time in Gates mansion and about your many visions and sleepwalking dreams that you just keep on having. Wanting to share with someone else.

Once getting there, Thing had his stuff set up just in the middle of the room. Closing the door on your way in, you sat in front of him with a smile on your face. "God we haven't done this ever since before I went to Nevermore."

He bows in agreement, pulling out two different kinds of nail polish. One white and the other black. Criss crossing your legs, you let him do his work. Cleaning up your nails, getting all the muck out. This is when you begin spilling the truth, "I know who's the monster." Thing taps your hand for you to be still, listening to you carefully. "It's Tyler, I saw him turn into it." You say. "And I've been having dreams of people's memories. All connecting to the murder of my biological parents. The girl who killed them, she's Laurel, as in Laurel Gates." Once finished with that, he begins to file your nails down to sharpness, having them with a point. Younger you used to call them cat claws, making you feel like such. "Laurel Gates and Tyler are working together for some reason. I'm not entirely sure yet. All I know is that Laurel wants me dead. And she'll do anything to achieve it." Then he went on painting your nails. One hand coated with three white painted nails with the two others being black and the other just opposite.

After your nails were done and dried you began doing his. "It's been hard keeping it from everyone. I want to tell them but I also don't want to put them in any danger." You talk to him. "I need to know where Laurel is before she hurts anymore people I care about. She has to be faking an identity after killing my parents."

He speaks, Kinbott? Shaking your head, "No, it can't be here. Laurel wouldn't be stupid enough to keep her blonde hair. No, she would have changed her appearances drastically." You voice your thoughts.

Receiving a text from Enid, you look down at your phone.

We're having pizza! 🍕
If you want to join you can.
In Yoko's room. 🦇 ❣️

Sorry, having mani pedis with Thing

Also have you've seen my Moonshine nail polish?
I can't find it anywhere.

I'll check in your old room, if you left it here.

Thanks, (nickname).
Yojre the best!

Shutting off your phone. "Do you have any idea where Enid's nail polish is?"

Thing bows and points towards her closet. Telling you he had placed it in there after Wednesday had come to pick it up off the ground. You make your way towards Enid's closet as Thing was cleaning up his stuff and putting them away under Wednesday's bed.

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