Chapter 10.

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Mayor Dead

Arriving at the Gates mansion something felt off about it. You didn't like the feeling it brought. But since you had informed Wednesday of this, you followed her like a lap dog. Heading up towards the door you were about to enter but caught something behind the said door. Your sister grabs your wrist and yanks you away, hiding.

To your shock, Mayor Walker came out of its entry heading over to his car. Questions began forming in your head, why was he here? Did he find something?

Your sister told Thing, "I need a distraction."

Thing then crawls off your twin's shoulder and heads for the Mayor. The both of you snuck through bushes getting closer to his car. "Sheriff, pick up your damn phone, it's Noble." The Mayor was now on call. "Listen, I might have figured out who's behind this all." Hearing this now you were intrigued. Who was behind all of this? The girl who faked death! The same little voice that belonged to your father told you. Laurel or the wife was behind this. Something in you felt that you were gaining more knowledge, closer to the truth that will reveal who killed your parents. That left you unable to control your powers until now so much later in life.

A rock hit Noble, making him flinch. Shrugging it off he continues, "It's a long shot. I'm gonna have to lay it out for you." He then turns towards the tree. You and Wednesday scattered towards the side of the car, tiptoeing towards the back and getting in the trunk. "We'll do it over pie at the Weathervane, just like the old days. See you soon." You kept the trunk open waiting for Thing to climb up with the two of you. Waiting until the car door was open you timed it perfectly as you shut the trunk and he slammed his door.

Taken all the way from the Gates residency you were taken to Jericho. Lifting your head up when Noble got out of the car, watching him as he crossed the street.

A blue car came tumbling down the street very fast. Hitting the Mayor. He flew over the shield and rolled over to the back of the car where he was tossed on the ground as the car only excelled. The car making its getaway, leaving the Mayor's car, you stood in front of Noble seeing blood leave his lips.

Once the ambulance came, Sheriff Galpin took you and Wednesday into the Weathervane and sat in a booth. Rubbing his face, in a worried manner, "He's alive. Barely. I'll take you back after I get your statement."

"I already gave it to your deputy." Wednesday states. "Blue Cadillac, with no license plate."

You stayed quiet. Never daring to speak. You somehow felt lightheaded. This wasn't something that easily churned, you've witnessed this what it felt like a million times. And for all of them your emotions remained indifferent. But this was different. This felt different. "Yeah, I know." He places a recorder in front of you both. "I want a better one."

"What were you doing in the mayor's SUV?" Galpin starts his interrogation.

"I saw him coming out of the Gates mansion."

"The Gates mansion. What the hell were you doing there?"

"House hunting." There was a silence between the both of them. "I overheard the voicemail he left for you. "I was intrigued. And I dragged her along, if she had a choice she would've stayed behind."

Your breathing became uneven, your heart excelling. The world around you turns in circles creating a bunch of splashes as if it was becoming abstract paint. You pushed yourself out of the booth. Galpin watching your every move, "Hey I wasn't finished." He tells you, ready to bring you back to the booth.

You stumbled a bit. Wednesday eyes slightly widen feeling something off with you. Wednesday exits the booth and holds out an arm for you which you gladly take. A moment later while standing there with support your grip lessens and slips away from her arm. Your body swaying back and forth before tumbling down towards the hard surface of the earth. Falling. Falling down. Until your back was met with the ground. Your body shooting upwards. Gasping for air.

The scenery didn't change whatsoever, the only difference was that it wasn't as brightly lit and the time was indeed different. A strawberry blonde haired teenager dressed comfortably sat in a booth where Sheriff Galpin once sat at.

Her eyes stayed fixated on someone. Looking where her line of sight was being directed you saw a family of three. The mother bouncing her baby and the father paying the cashier. The three make their way towards a booth just opposite from the teenage girl.

"I told you we shouldn't have stopped for coffee." The woman spoke in a hushed manner.

The man assured, "We can't look like we're running away. We have to act like we're leaving for a vacation. Not forever." That voice. It belonged to your father.

Were you in your father's memory? Or your mother's?

"No one would notice if we left," Hissed the woman—your mother, rocking baby you.

F/n shook his head. "Trust me, M/n, all I'm trying to do is protect both of my babies." Two cups of coffee placed in front of them in to go cups. "Thank you." He whispers to the worker. His eyes left the barista and towards behind your biological mother, his eyes slowly holding fear as he finally caught sight of the adolescent. Tearing them away from her, he smiles warmly at the both girls in front of him.

Sliding out of the booth. "Shall we get going my lovelies?" He gives his wife a dashing smile.

M/n couldn't help but smile in return as she too slid out of the booth holding you in a blanket. The blanket that you still had, the one that your uncle found you in. This was the day where you were forced apart from them. It leads up to it.

As they left the cafe the memory didn't simply stop. No, it continued. Continuing as the blonde haired girl wrote down in her journal. Looking over her shoulder, crossing out three names out.

̶F̶/̶n̶ ̶L̶/̶n̶̶
M̶/̶n̶ ̶L̶/̶n̶̶
Y̶/̶n̶ ̶L̶/̶n̶

Once the names were crossed in red, she closed her book shut, grabbed her bag and left the cafe. That's when the memory ends and you are falling in the dark abyss.

Fluttering your eyes open, laying in the comfort of your bed. You stared at the ceiling, your biological parents' killer wasn't the wife of Ansel Gates. It was his daughter, Laurel. And she was hiding amongst town with a different appearance. One that will learn the truth about you and try killing you. She wants death to all! F/n whispered loudly. Death to all? Did he mean death to all outcasts? There was no answer, no reply. You were left to fill the rest of the holes and catch your parents' killer. Once and for all. And probably (most likely) seek vengeance for what she stole from you.

 And probably (most likely) seek vengeance for what she stole from you

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