Chapter 11.

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Gates Mansion

Hopping into Tyler's car you knew better than to believe your sister when she gathers a group full of people just to "hang out." It was totally unlike her to do things like that. She prefers solitude and pure isolation. She hated communing with the living. What would possess her to do it now?

"Wait, he's our uber driver?" Enid questions with a weird stare towards Tyler's way.

"Uber driver?" Tyler eyebrows scrunched together. "I thought we're going on a date."

"I thought this was a girls night out."

"There's been a change of plans."

You called her out, "Or you had this plan all along and lied to their faces rather than just telling them flat out." You adjusted yourself to look at your twin who now glared at you.

Tyler looks at the three of you, he then questions, "What's up with the weird matching hoodie scarf things?"

"Don't ask. Just drive." Wednesday just says.

You leaned back into the seat, preferably liking your white snood that Enid had made for you as a present. It felt soft and nice against your head and neck. You practically started wearing it when being given it, whenever it was cold.

Arriving at Gates mansion Enid was none other than creeped out, "Seriously you wanna go in there? This place is creepy AF."

Wednesday smirks, "I know." She headed for the gate and began picking the lock.

Tyler expresses, "Okay, this isn't what I signed up for."


"I didn't want to spend my birthday by going to dinner or a surprise party." She pulls the lock open and then turns to you three. "I want to do this."

You completely unfazed watched as she pushed the gate open. "Then you should have just said so. You didn't have to trick us."

Wednesday shrugs her shoulders, "If you want to go, you can. I'm going to go check out the garage." She then heads off like a dart being thrown to a bullseye.

The normie and outcast both looked at each other creeped out. You walked a bit ahead of them and they followed the Addams sisters like lost scared puppies.

Wednesday, clearly struggling to open the door, Tyler suggested, "Here let me try." He goes up to the garage door. He tugs and yanks but it's no use, it won't budge. "This is pointless."

Looking over at Enid you nod for her to open the door knowing out of the four of you, she was the one that could open the door with ease. She hands you her flashlight and heads up to the garage door, Tyler making his way back towards Wednesday. Within three hard pulls it opens. Tyler looks shocked by this. "Werewolf thing." Enid waves off.

Wednesday quickly made her way inside taking the tarp off of the car. It being a blue Cadalliac. "It's the car that hit the Mayor," She informs you.

Enid eyes widens in horror, "Whoa this just took a dark turn." She then points towards Tyler. "We need to call Tyler's dad right freaking now."

"Why?' Wednesday asks her. This was your turn to be shocked. "So he can take me back to Nevermore and have me expelled?"

"Yes because solving who was behind this is using this place as a secret hideout will get you expelled." You told her with bug eyes.

"It's not gonna happen." She says in a harsh tone before walking off heading more into the house.

You stayed in the garage as the three entered the house.

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