Chapter 2.

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The Safe

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The Safe

Thing had ended up dragging you all the way into the Nightshade library. When you asked why, he never answered. Instead you were met by none other than the library, upon entering you questioned one more time, "Thing, why are you bringing me here?"

Thing finally stops in the middle of the room and finally he answers you. Wednesday needs your help, she needs the diary of—

You didn't allow Thing to finish as you scoffed, "She needs my help really?" Shaking your head. "And she sent you as her lap messenger dog."

Uncle Fester is here. Thing speak to you. You dropped everything right at this moment, your uncle was here. The corner of your lips turned upwards, "Uncle Fester?" Thing nods his head.

"Who's Uncle Fester?"

Squeaking you turned your head towards Xavier, seeing him place a couple of books away. "Xavier." You clasp your hands behind your back. "Putting away a couple of books, I see."

The teenage boy makes his way towards you with that same old bright smile. He then confesses once close enough to you, "Wednesday assumes I'm the monster." He sighs heavily as you frowned knowing the real truth.

Your mouth opened to tell him that he wasn't. That Tyler Galpin was. But you closed your mouth. You couldn't tell anyone. Not yet. You needed to find out where Laurel Gates is, who she truly was. If you just bluntly told someone then she could harm them. Plus, Laurel wanted you dead for as long before you were born. You didn't want him to face danger like you were with the truth hanging on your tongue for dear life.

"I don't." You say instead. "I believe you to be a psychic with a big heart and enchanting eyes." With each word you carried yourself closer to him. "Who has just been caught up within its claws and is getting blamed for it."

He chuckles out, "Proximity is a crime to her apparently." Xavier shakes his head. "If I was the monster, why haven't I killed her? Or you?" He asks, trying to think of the best logical thing, trying to understand why she would accuse him of being the monster. His hands found yours and began to fidget with them. "You both have been close to all of this," Xavier adds. "I even listened to her theories and ideas when no one else did."

Scrunching your eyebrows, you smile at him, "Hey! I listened to her ideas too. Not just you."

He lowers his head, licking his lips. "Right, Moonlight." He agrees. "I guess you're more used to this than I am." He outstretches both of your arms to your sides.

"I suppose so." You murmur. "But we all have our breaking point."

"Has she gotten to that point yet?"

"Considering I'm about to help her, no."

Xavier nods his head, "Stay safe, okay?" You nod your head. His warm hands slipping from your own pair of hands. His strings unraveled from you, winding away once he got a confirmation nod. 

Watching him as his legs escalated up the stairs. Leaving your sight.

Hearing a clunk, you snap your head over towards the noise seeing your uncle there presented. "You were here the entire time?" You wave a knowingly finger at him.

He raises his hand as if surrendering, "Guilty as charged." He chortles. "You both remind me of your mother and father." He tells you. "Barely can keep your hands off of each other."

"Me and Xavier are just friends, Uncle Fester," You denied. Did everyone seem to know these compelling feelings that you had for him? Know of your thoughts about him in secrecy. Shaking your head, you two would never excel more than friends. "And he fidgets a lot so he plays with my hands." You cross your arms over your chest.

All your uncle could say was, "Uh huh." He then focuses on the noise happening around him. "I'd recognize the patter of those fingertips anywhere." He then turned towards Thing that sat on the desk having an angry outburst towards Fester. "Hello, Thing." Thing slams his thumb down, shaking with anger. "You can't still be mad about the Kalamazoo job. It wasn't my fault." Thing jumps grabbing a hold of Fester's neck. "You said you could crack that safe in 30 seconds. Five minutes later, we're still there. You're all thumbs!"

"Hey!" Both of them turn to you. You give them a disapproving stare. Thing retracts towards the man's shoulder. "We have a job to do, so let's finish that then you two can fight to the death."

"Iggy was Falkner's right hand man. Trained a generation of Nightshades. And behind Iggy Itt..." Fester explains, pulling the painting to reveal a safe. You hold out your hand for Thing, he crawls onto it and you guide him up towards the safe where he hops from your hand. "Do I have time for a snooze or can you crack this quickly.

Thing glares at Fester, turning towards the safe, he begins to input the code to his best knowledge. Swiping right. Swiping left. Swiping right. Pull. Closed. He tries again. Right. Left. "This is turning into a replay of Kalamazoo." Fester comments. And lastly, right. Thing unlocks it, snaps sassily.

You hold your hand out for Thing once again and he crawls up to your shoulder, you open the safe it revealing a book. You took it into your own grasps and handed it to your uncle. "You're not going coming with?"

"Wednesday and I are not seeing eye to eye right now," You inform him. "And you know how stubborn we both are."

Fester nods his head. "Well I'll see you around, Stars." He smiles warmly at you. Thing hops from your shoulder to his leading him to Wednesday's room. Leaving you there all by yourself. Closing the safe, and putting the painting where it belonged. You retracted to your dorm room.

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