Chapter 6.

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You Lost

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You Lost

Bailing her out was something you didn't want to do but you did.

After her discussion with Tyler, she came back to you. "You were right." She tells you. "Tyler is the hyde—"

"Now you believe me." You scoffed, "It's too late. You already ruined a life. You shredded mine." You stalked off.

Wednesday follows right after you. "Y/n," She calls you.

You just kept walking, barely even acknowledging her. "How long have you known?"

You ended up halting turning to your twin sister, staring at her with a look filled with anger and frustration. You scoffed again, shaking your head. "Do you honestly even care?"

The braided haired girl looks down without saying anything. "Oh you don't. All you care about is your obsession on being right? And when proven wrong you become passive aggressive and hop right into interrogating. Not caring who you hurt."

You take a step closer to her. "How does it feel to lose? To be wrong at something you're so good at?" You shrug your own shoulders, "Must suck... oh to be you, sister of mine." Then you walked off.

She continues to follow after you with her head hung low.

The more you made your way to Weems car, Wednesday proposes, "We have to stop the—"

Once again you stopped walking. Stopped moving. Turning to her once again. It felt like a broken symphony with her. One she refused to fix. One she allows to play over and over again never allowing anyone to be able to breathe ever again once stuck in this black symphony of hers.

"Do you ever just stop?" You ask. "Oh wait you don't." You showed all of your hostility. Your anger targeted her. "You just never stop. You keep going until you get to the very end. Not carrying who's in the way. And if anyone is in your way fine by you, you'll burn them." Tilting your head. "That's what you are Wednesday, a sun that just burns and burns. An inferno that can never be put out until her own dot. You could care less if someone is thriving in pain. No, you like that. You like to be in pain. To watch others be in pain." You placed your hand on the car door. "You don't care. And I care too much."

"You're more hostile and detached from me."

You smiled, laughing, "I guess I'm just giving a taste of your own medicine, Wednesday." You lean towards her. "People call this an uno reverse." You opened the car door and got in the passenger seat.

Wednesday frowns hearing your words. Getting into the car, she sat in the back, thinking over everything about you and her.

You were a complete opposite of her and yet you worked well together. You were two peas in a pod. Two sister's sworn to never separating. She a pessimistic, you optimistic. She followed logic, you followed emotion. She loved too little, you loved too much. You both fit well like puzzle pieces, a riddle and a rhyme, a knife and a glove at a crime scene, handcuffs and key, metal rod and lightning, a shovel and a grave. You were sunshine in her life and she casted moonlight on your behalf.

But the more you had come to stay at this school, it seemed to have you locked down. To have your heart and attention rather than her. Wednesday wasn't used to this. Wasn't used to being away from you. Wasn't used to you acting like this towards her. This was all new and she felt alone in this now. And now she was finally being banished from the school's premise whilst you stayed—unfazed that she was leaving.

 And now she was finally being banished from the school's premise whilst you stayed—unfazed that she was leaving

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