Chapter 8.

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Woe Birthday

The 13th your sister's birthday. Wednesday born on a Friday. Enid was supposed to drag her over to the crypt where you all were. And by you all it was Ajax, Xavier, you, Thing, Yoko, the siren twins Divina and Kent.

Hearing the crypt open and slam shut. Everyone began shushing each other in a very silent manner. A beam of flashlight making their way towards you. "Enid?" Wednesday calls.

A cough alerted her, hearing it you looked over at Divina who slapped her brother for you and the both of you shushed him. "Whoever you are, show yourself." Wednesday demands. "Try anything and you'll lose limbs." She then threatens.

All of you walked out of it yelling, "Surprise!" And then in sync all sang happy birthday. Enid rushed in with the birthday cake and joined your guys' side.

Wednesday flashes the light towards Thing and into your eyes, glaring at the both of you, "I should have known you two were behind this. What part of "no party under the penalty of death" do you both not understand?"

"Oh come on, Wednesday." You walked in front of her. "It's not really a huge party mom and dad throw for you. It's just with friends." You smile at her.

Her eyes landed on the huge bag in your hands. She flashes the light in your eyes again. "And I told you, no presents." She keeps the light there in your line of vision even as you close your eyes.

"You'll like this one." You tell her.

"I think my cake inspired her gift." Xavier pipes up.

You elbowed him in the side. "Did not." You whispered to him.

Enid takes a step forward, "The pink balloon was my little touch. Why don't you make a wish?"

Wednesday looks for a way out before being intrigued by something heading over to it. "Wait, it's latin." She talks to herself. "Fire will reign... when I rise."

Enid gives a weird look, "Okay, that's not really a wish."

"She's citing the latin words, honey." You informed the werewolf girl who's mouth opened to an 'o' shape.

Wednesday raises herself off of the ground. "The first part of that phrase was burned into Nevermore's lawn. It can't be a coincidence."

"Wait." Ajax whispers. "We're never eating that cake are we?" He frowns in disappointment.

The latina girl drags her hand over the latin words before stopping right in the middle of it. Her hand pressing against it. Her head shot up as her body fell towards the ground with the thud. Everyone gasps worried as you remain unfazed. "Yeah we're never having cake." You shake your head knowingly.

" You shake your head knowingly

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