Chapter 1.

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Blood for blood is a price to play. So why did it feel as if you were forced to participate in a game filled with nothing but blood shed. Forced to play in this twisted game of survival and mysteries. You were taken to the hospital and had to stay there for the entire night and day from the deep cut on your arm. The doctors were worried about tearing of muscles and the fact that you almost bleed to death.

Wednesday stayed by your side for most of the night, when you slept she slipped away to check on Eugene to see how his state was.

When hearing of you and Eugene going to the hospital, some collective friends of yours had come in. Enid, Ajax, Xavier all waited patiently for when you woke up.

When Wednesday entered the room, she frowned a little. Comparing your wounds with Eugene, you weren't put in an induced coma, your life wasn't on the line. His is. Eugene was stuck in a hospital bed laying there unconscious waiting until something terrible happened or he woke up. All you got was three stitches. That's it. Nothing life dangering. The only thing to worry about was of your muscles.

"How's Eugene?" Ajax asks quietly when noticing the goth latina.

Wednesday sat down besides you, looking out of the window. "In an induced coma." She answers. Her eyes tore away from the dark night and turned back to you. Guilt began to poke at her. She felt horrible for thinking your situation in being the hospital wasn't as bad as Eugene. Realization dawned on her that she could've lost two people in one night. One for some collateral damage whilst the other—you—were doing a noble act. Laying her head on your chest, she closes her eyes tightly.

Usually pain was an enjoyable thing for her but in this situation it was different. It was different. Tears threatened to prick her eyes but she shoved them down and only held your body closer to her.

✦➶ 𝕥𝓘мẸ ˢк𝐈𝐩 ➷✧

A day later you were allowed to go to the Academy. Before you left you checked up on Eugene. Learning of his conditions. It pained you that you weren't there before the vision was fulfilled.

Upon returning to the school, Weems had come to allow you to miss a couple of days of school to rest up and get your bearings after the traumatic situation.

This gave you a lot of free time. Sitting in your room whilst everyone was out doing their school work. Thing had accompanied you during this time, keeping your mind occupied. In the end, your mind strayed towards many different things, your lips stopping themselves from speaking to Thing.

The dismembered hand had ended up grabbing a disregarded file and tossed it onto your lap. "Thing." You stare at him. "What are you doing?" Thing didn't give a response he only flipped it open revealing what you already read. M/n L/n had come to be charged for the murder of the married couple Gate's. But the charges were dropped. There was nothing else besides a mugshot of your mother. The only real photo you got from your mother. Leaning towards the hand, you simply state, "I've read it."

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