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A/N: This is my first reaction fic, So try to excuse me for any small mistake I make.

The cast is from the 2nd-year Volume 5 before the special exam:

Class 2-A (Sakayanagi's Class)
Class 2-B (Ichinose's Class)
Class 2-C (Horikita's Class)
Class 2-D (Ryuen's Class)

1st years and 3rd years
Horkita Manabu and Tachibana Akane
Chairman Sakayanagi
Acting Director Tsukishiro

I will try to make the cast's reaction the same as to canon
There may be some scenarios where the Defects may be slandered
but mostly the students Will react based on their attitude.


Kiyotaka's POV:

Where am I?

I remember that I was in the class where mathematics The period was going on.

Right now I am standing in front of a stage that
Is almost similar to a theatre. I heard large commotions From behind, as I turned around I saw there approximately every student from all the years in the Theatre like a hall with our homeroom teachers respectively.

From my peripheral vision, I saw Horikita walking toward me.

Horikita: "Ayanokoji-kun do you know where we are?"

Ayanokoji: "I don't know"

Horkita: "The entire class as well as all of the students of AHNS are also here."

There was chaos everywhere: girls were scared, some boys were scared some had confused expressions. As I got the whole view of the theatre
I saw Horikita Manabu and Tachibana-senpai also in stood surprised amidst the chaos.

Suddenly the spotlight in the theatre glowed up and my attention drew to the man on the stage looking out at us with a bright smile plastered on his face. He had an enigmatic aura around him, 'Who is he?'

"Hello Ladies and Gentlemen"
"I am the creator of this world, the one who keeps an eye on each person on this planet. I have summoned you all to go through an experience of
a roller coaster ride that has happened till now in your school AHNS."

He snapped his finger and instantly multiple chairs appeared in front of us, to which the creator indicated we sit down. Some people sat down, some
were still vigilant about the very deity in front of us. Mashima Sensei approached the god and as a representative of all of us said, "um...god what type of experience would we be going through?"

GOD: "We will see some of the secrets that involve students of AHNS."

Ichinose: "Don't you think revealing the secrets of someone is just a violation Of their privacy?"

Hirata: "I agree with Ichinose-san, I think so we shouldn't reveal their secret unless they themselves want to."

Kushida: "I-I also agree to that."

Ryuen: "What kind of secrets will we see?"

Sakayanagi: "Fufufu....I am also curious about that god-san."

GOD: Well The events that will we see basically revolve around a certain 'Ordinary' Student, that has changed or produced most of the events in this school so far."

He looks towards me and an evil smirk forms on his face. No, Peaceful life-chan Please don't leave me. The smirk and the direction of the smirk didn't go unnoticed by Ryuen, Sakayanagi and Manabu.

Ryuen: kukukukukukukukukuku...'So, it's monster huh...omoshiroi-na'

Sakayanagi: fufufufufu....'how will you escape now Ayanokoji-kun'

Manabu: 'I guess we gonna see the scenes revolving around Ayanokoji....'

Matsushita: "Ano...God-san the events, who is that student?" 'Why I have a feeling it is Ayanokoji-kun'

GOD: "Have a little patience Stalker-chan, I will soon reveal the person's name As well as the secrets about that person. All of you please sit down in your Respective seats or with the person you want to sit with."

Matsushita blushed and tried to hide her embarrassment from her friends. I sat down beside The Ayanokoji Group, Horikita sat beside her nii-san, and Tachibana senpai, Kei went ahead
And sat along with her friends.

GOD: "So, let the reactions begin............"


Hello Everyone
A very Happy New Year to everyone

This is my first reaction fic, will try to update daily and based on the reader's preference
We can make the reaction to specific scenes. For now, I will go through the chronological
Order of the Canon.

Also tell me should I publish the first chapter today or tomorrow

Feedbacks are always Welcomed

See Y'all ❤

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