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They chose to watch scream- jimin did. It was a little surprise for everyone because they knew jimin never liked horror movies. Jimin told them that he wanted to face his fear and pretended to not be annoyed by this.

Yoongi could smell his fear from over here. Jimin was griping his arm like crazy. He mentally chuckled at that and held jimin tighter.

The movie started and not long after there was a jump scare. Jimin slightly jumped in his place and dug his head in Yoongi's shoulder with a gasp loud enough for everyone to hear. They laughed at him.

Though hoseok looked beside him and he fought against everything to not roll his eyes or cringe.

Why wasn't yoongi giving his the same attention? Was it a one time thing? Was it only because the project? Did he only like him for one day because of a project?

Hoseok frowned and shook his head.

It can't be. Yoongi isn't that heartless.


Still, he will keep fighting for Yoongi s heart. He didn't know how jimin was so effortlessly owning it. He will own it someday, he was certain.

Hoseok was so caught up in his own thoughts that he didn't notice the slight scream that left everyone's mouths. He snapped back and glanced at the tv to see a poor dead girl with blood pooling around her.

He frowned, he felt bad. Even if it was just a movie. Then he remembered the real life killer. He tried his best to shake the thought of yoongi or taehyung dead out of his mind.

It worked.

He focussed back on the movie after chuckling lightly at their mini screams. If he was paying attention nevertheless, he would've screamed even louder.

Taehyung let out a heavy sigh as he pulled the blanket away from his body. He stood up and approached the door before yoongi noticed.

However, no one else seemed to do. They were already preoccupied by the interesting movie.
Yoongi stood up, only hoseok noticing his movements.

Yoongi followed taehyung out the door and to the kitchen. He saw taehyung getting a drink from his indoor mini bar. When he turned around, he quietly gasped when he saw Yoongi's presence.

Yoongi giggled lightly.

"You scared me." Taehyung placed a hand on top of his heart dramatically before sighing deeply.

He popped open the wine bottle and proceeded to pour himself a glass of the white wine.

He leaned against the counter, yoongi mimicking his movements.

"What's wrong?" Yoonhi asked.

Taehyung sighed for what felt the hundredth time before shrugging his shoulders. "I dunno. I guess I'm just scared to actually get murdered." He laughed embarrassingly, shaking his head slightly before taking a sip from his cup.

Yoongi took a hold of a cup nearby and extended his hand forward towards Taehyung. Taehyung looked at him before grabbing the bottle once again and pouring yoongi some.

"That's enough." Yoongi noted when the liquid reached the half of the cup. He took a sip as well, preparing for his next few words.

"You know," He started, his gaze fixed at the wall far up infront of him. Taehyung furled his lips before fixing his own gaze at Yoongi. He watched him as he talked. "Not all people want to live. But I know for a fact that they wouldn't want to die either. They think about death as resting from whatever they were going through. If they were killed or suddenly just died coincidentally or they killed themselves. They think they will rest finally. But I think not. They don't actually want to die, no one ever, ever, does. They just want it all to disappear. They want everything to be quiet. They want everything to be normal. So they reach out to what seems the logical solution to them. They always think its death. They always think it's leaving this world. Once again, no one ever truly wishes for death. People only want the consequences of death. They think the only way to get the consequences of death is to actually die-- or as in kill themselves. But they don't think about how horrible, deep,and big the action is. I'm just saying this to tell you that you shouldn't really be scared of death, it will happen eventually. But don't wish for it either. When your time comes, you will go. So why don't just live the best life you've ever had? Yolo, heh? Make it count."

He finished. And taehyung didn't realize he forgot to blink until he felt his eyes sting. He was staring so wide that his eyeballs were threatening to leave his eyelids.

He never thought such things could come out of Yoongi's mouth. He never even thought Yoongi's brain was capable of understanding deep complex things.

He was surprised, he was stunned.

"Are you scared of this killer Huyng? Do you want to live?" Taehyung involuntarily whispered.

Yoongi looked down for a split second, his lips pressed together. He slowly looked up back at taehyung with an expression he never saw before.

Yoongi was smiling sadly, tears threatening to spill out. His eyes glossed in the dim light that shone above their heads. His eyebrows were slightly furrowed. His hand tightly gripped the cup while the other rested on the counter.

He looked...different. Taehyung had never realized how cute yoongi was. Or maybe he had never been this close to him.

Yes, they were an inch apart. Taehyung hadn't even noticed this until now. The room was so quiet that he could hear yoongi's breath, yoongi's heart beat.




Or maybe that was his own heartbeat.

"I've never wanted to live so much." Yoongi spoke softly.

Taehyung had to remind himself with the question he asked because he seemed too mesmerized to even remember his own sayings.

"Are you scared of this killer huyng? Do you want to live?"

"I'm terrified taehyung. I don't show it but I'm terrified of death. At least when it's right in front of my eyes." Yoongi answered his first question after a short pause.

He chuckled lightly. "Pathetic isn't it? How the person only wants the things he can't have. Aren't we interesting little creatures?" He spoke softly.

It was yoongi's time to sigh.

Taehyung found himself nodding. He wasnt even sure if that was the correct reaction to this.

"Huyng..." Taehyung breathed. Yoongi looked deep in his eyes.

Taehyung want even sure what he was going to say. "Lets..lets go back. I'm sure we've missed enough." He managed.

Yoongi took a second before nodding slowly, placing the half empty cut on the clean counter.

Eyyy so a long chapter here.
If you read the truth untold you'd know I like writing long chapters. But for this story I decided to change it a bit since I know it won't be that long. (It was originally supposed to be a oneshot). I decided that the chapters will be minimally 400 words but not that much over. However this one seems rebellious. I guess I'll leave it like that. I feel like if I would have cut this part anywhere it would've been awkward. So 1000 words it is. If you prefer longer chapters let me know so I start writing them longer.



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